Pop Punk [kinda like paramore, female drummer, dual rec/JMP100 etc]

OK, this one is still in progress.

main distorted rhythms are dual rec, crunchy tones are JMP100. both through mesa cab. dual rec has an od808 in front, the marshall has an EQ pedal in front taking some mids out and boosting some low end.

bass is fender p bass.

drums were a girl drummer, snare barely has any compression on it at all. room samples blended low on the snare, its mostly natural.

vocals were tracked really well, tried to tune it as carefully as possible and theres a few bits i left as they had more character when they were slightly out.


its starting to take shape, im getting quite happy with it.
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very cool song and mix! your production fits the music very well!

i think it could need a little more of the bass guitar too! (not just low-end, also "punch" from the bass)

during the chorus, i have the feeling the vocals sometimes gets a little buried by the rythm guitars. i would work on this, because the vocals/chorus is the most important part ;)

any chance to get hands on the raw-tracks of this song? would love to try to mix it!

whats the band btw?

cheers, markus
cheers guys.

with the kick i had it way less clicky but I wanted it to cut through more. i blended a clickier sample gradually untill it was cutting how i wanted. I think its OK, but ill check on a few other speakers for sure.

i want the bass to cut a bit more, ill work on that. and I agree on the vocals on the chorus, they need to come up.

can't give the tracks out unfortunately.

cheers for the feedback.
Your production is great for that kind of music. What's the band called? Myspace?

I really like that you didn't use samples on the drums.
I would prefer them to be a little bit more punchy.

Vocals, I think they could be a liiitle lower in the mix.
Also the first thing I noticed was the need for a de-esser.

Any chance we get the multi-tracks? I would love to give this a go!
can't give the tracks out unfortunately.

cheers. i love recording this kind of music. its much more interesting layering up different kinds of parts and different sounds to what you can do with a lot of metal.

i love TLA's mixes for pop punk which have a pretty natural vibe on the drums. even the ones where its sample heavy (ocean avenue by yellowcard) it still has an awesome vibe with what he does with the compression.