Pop-punk mix. Critiques please!

Sorry guys, reworked one of the songs so I took them down. Link is updated now! Please give me critiques, this gets released on Facebook tomorrow so I can do any last minute tweaking I need to. Also comment on loudness. I wanna make sure I got it loud enough. Thanks in advance fellas. And thank you to everyone that posts on this forum, the advice you get from this place is priceless and all of you are so amazing. <3
What did you use when you recorded this mix? Reminds me alot of this band I heard from Paris...Chunk! No Captain Chunk.
Sounds very good. Are those drums Superior Drummer or triggered? It's obvious but it fits the genre so no problem there. The guitars are actually heavier than they usually are in this genre. Yup, I'd de-ess those vocals. Not much but just a little.
They will love that comparison, Chunk is one of their favorite bands. Updated link with de-ess'ed vocals. Let me know if I got em all. Lowered the overheads a little as well I felt like they overpowered. Drums are real and sample replaced except for overheads and toms which are 100% natural. Guitars are a patch on my POD HD Pro. Bass is 2 tracks of TSE BOD, one for low end and another for grit and jangle. Vocals are my MXL CR24 through my ART Pro Channel into my Firestudio Project. Thanks again guys and let me know if anyone else wants more deets.
Treadplate I believe it was and the matching cab. 67 condenser mic with some compression slapped in there somewhere. Post processing was just a HP/LP. I love my HD, it feels real as well as sounding amazing
looks like this drop tuned punk is a new kind of genre coming up? I looked into it...its call easycore if im not mistaken. A few bands from over seas do this as well. Cool stuff
Yea it's picking up some steam. There a few bands in the Charleston SC area that are into this type of genre and want me to record them. I kinda dig it, I know a lot of people despise it but it mixes two genres and I dig it a lot.
yea I found Chunk! No Captain Chunk, by accident lol. I got the cd. Not alot around in Houston or Texas.