Pop-punk? No seriously.


Studio Scapegoat
Feb 13, 2007
Nottingham, UK
This will probably inspire mild nausea in any seriously died-in-the-steel-wool metalheads but I figured I'd post it anyway. A track from a local pop-punk band named Of All Things. And before anyone mentions it, yes they do pretty much worship Blink-182 / +44. The drummer spent £3000 on a black OCDP drumkit just because he loves Travis Barker that much.:loco: He has some pretty good chops though so I'm letting him off.

Anyways, not much to say about the setup. Drums were the aformentioned OCDP maple set. Guitar setup was a Fender USA Strat through one of those pokey little Marshall heads & a 4x10" cab. Bass was a Fender P-Bass through a Behringer Ultrabass. DI'd pre and post amp with an Audix D6 on the cab.

Of All Things - We Wasted The Good Surprises On You

Having had chance to rest my ears and listen to it on headphones and at home I'll probably be re-visiting this one as I'm not happy with how the vocals sit in the mix.
Hey that sounds pretty good!

Not really a pop or punk fan, allthough i dig bad religion and the 80's pop songs a lot, this sounds cool...

I think the vocals are a bit too much upfront for my liking, the rest sounds like it should in my opinion, loving those synthy bits btw...
Sounds good as others have said. I just thought I'd add that I actually think Travis Barker is great at what he does, and while it's obvious that this guy you recorded worships him he does a good job playing like him. Sounds like he really hits hard. Nice job!