Pop Punk Song

I'm confused.

Is the start meant to sound like that?
guitars sound really sloppy/untight.

Also, tune the vocals or re-do them.
I recommend re-doing them.
Also the singers phrasing is all over the place.
He sounds like he is trying to fit too much in in spots.

Vocals seems to be sketchy volume-wise.

The vocals really need to be re-done.
I am sorry, this is beyond salvaging.

Ionei is right: The beginning is terrible and the vocals are abysmally bad. This wouldn't pass as regular punk because it has no energy and attitude and it doesn't pass as pop either because it has no recognizeable melody.

I'd actually go a step further than Ionei and say: replace the "singer". Or send him to a vocal coach for 2 years. He's that bad ...
id say get someone who knows how to produce a band...
this band needs serious help... :loco:
That is the worst vocalist I've heard in a long while to be entirely honest. The opening confused me above all but he just... he's really trying to be Tom Delonge which is hard to do because there is only one Tom Delonge. Maybe if they could be more creative and original and they wouldn't be so brutal (and not the good kind of brutal.)
i cant get rid of the singer cuz its not my band haha
their a young band of 15 and 16 year olds

Would compression help out with the vocals so their more even volume wise?

how is the mix besides the bad vocals or are they too distracting where the mix doesnt matter?
Fucking glad its not your band man!

I'd seriously get the Vocalist back in to re-record it, and make him work fucking hard.
Also re-record those start guitars.

Because I mean if they think they are going to show people this, the mix won't matter shit if the vocals sound like a bag of farts.
It sounds better, but you actually tuned those vocals? They're still waaaaay off everywhere.

This band is just... god awful.

The age is no excuse, the last band I worked with is a bunch of highschool kids who write some of the best pop punk I've ever heard - probably going to be joining the band, to be honest.
im not so good with tuning vocals. im using antarez evo.

im using the automatic setting. i usually just try to find the key and keep the retune speed around 20 and the humanize at 100%.
You definitely have that pirated, eh?

You gotta use the graph tune mode - what you're doing is just correcting stuff to the nearest note, but the guy is so far off in the first place that he's beyond help IMO.
Paramore were all pretty much that age when their first album was released and it takes major dumps on what I just heard then.
Proof that talent has little to do with age.

You want punch, but the playing isn't good. Half the punch of a mix is from good performances, seriously (or ones edited to hell and back, but this band sounds SO bad that I don't even think editing can save them)
When i went to put the retune speed to 0 i noticed that i didnt even tune these. He was too far off pitch. Do you know of any tutorials that would teach how to pitch correct using the graph mode?

heres the 0 retune speed

Whats the point of hearing it with the retune speed so fast?

Read the manual dude. If you don't have it... maybe should buy the software next time.

Youtube should have some good tutorials.

Point of hearing it? for the lols!
Why accusing beginners of piracy?
What would YOU do if you were a beginner? you wouldn't get Paramore to work with right away,the guy probably tried his
best to save this shitty band,,, i am sure they didn't pay him enough to buy the Autotune...