Pop punk-Triple Rec and some other crap

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Recorded our old guitar player's new band. Stuff is like straight up Blink 182 and New Found Glory.

Used my Triple Rec and Framus Dragon 4X12 for the guitars. Bass is a whole bunch of different stuff and same for drums.

Snare might be a bit too "pingy" or dry sounding. I don't know. The guy wanted the drums super dry.

Either or its fun stuff to record. Honestly its probably the most fun I have had tracking a band.


Thanks for all the critiques guys. I added some more room sound to the mix and messed with some other stuff here and there.

For the amp it was orange channel on modern mode.

There def is a little honk in the guitars but I think it works for this style to be a bit mid heavy. I pulled some 300hz and 1.5k out, but that was prior to me even posting.
For this style I think the guitars need to go down a tad and the vocals need to come up a bit (remember this is some poppy shit), and the the bass needs a tad more definition( maybe dial in a little more 2.5k - 3k). Also, the palm muting seems a bit too tight, might be the guys playing, but i would add a lil' more gain for those sections. Overall i think it sounds pretty good, it just needs a bit more tweaking.
Lol, listen to the part when the vocals first kick in ("this is another night I feel so lost and..") and then to Blink182 - Going away to college (0:28 "please take me by the hand..")
Exactly the same :lol:

The song is pretty cool (for obvious reasons, hehe).. and I like the mix a lot.
Drums could still use a bit more room but other than that I think you exactly nailed the pop-punk sound. Awesome!
What's the cutout before the chorus? Punch-in or copy paste? There's some unnatural silence going on, but not in a metal-core-on-purpose-kind-of-way. The guitars sound great, but are too loud. The snare needs more bottom mic sound. If you have slate, try layering the old zep snare underneath.

Love the song. Reminds me of high school.
kinda sounds a little over processed to me with the editing, and with more body on the snare will make this song sound nice. dig the music too, sounds like angels and airwaves but less ambient.
listning on crap headphones (liek 90% of the audeince this shit is geared to): vocals need to be up higher. aside fom that: awesome

wait no. i don't love the crash n' ride. They're not awful, they're just not in "tits" condition. They could be improved i guess