Pop rock collab, help shape my song


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Hey all

Here is the deal, I just got a idea for a song and I have roughly written it in guitar pro (but nothing set in stone and some sketchy parts transistions).. now I have no experience written for vocals or structuring songs much.. and im only a guitarist, so the bass and drums could properly need some work.

So what im looking for is someone who would like to try steeping up into the producer role and maybe co-write some of it with me. Could be fun to try out and get some input from the outside as I easy get burned out by myself.

here is the GP.

and the midi

(RSS in guitar por sounds the best.. as midi tend to clash a bit weird.)

let me know if it have any interest :).
I quite like the song, I'd say the structure definitely needs to be more defined and that some of the sections perhaps go on too long. The transitions between sections are a bit sketchy, there's definitely some good pop/rock ideas in there and I think with a bit of work, you'll have a nice song :)

Do you sing?
Spot on with your points :).
And thanks for the positive comments.

sadly I do not sing or can even imagine how the singing could go.. would need someone to do that for me heh.