
Jan 17, 2009
Hey guys, this is a track I am doing for band called "Finders Keepers". It is a pre production piece for their E.P coming up, which they wanted mastered. There are few timing issues in the song, but was wondering what people thought about the mix for this type of genre, I wanted the vocals to really ride the mix. I used alot of slate vcc on this track and only room samples under the snare and 30% sample replaced the kick. Toms and everything else haven't been sampled.

Guitars sordona (i think that is what it was called), mesa cab, shure 57

Drums: NT5'S, NT1'S, AKG418'S, AUDIX D6, I5, SHURE

Bass di - ampeg

Be great to hear what people think

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16373039/01-01 your speciality.mp3

(first time using dropbox, so I hope it works)
Thanks dude, haven't had many comments on my past mixes so I didn't know if they were any good.
Those drums really need to be quantized IMO - there's noticeable lag in a lot of the beats, and some rushed bits/buggered fills.

I like it but it's not got much punch/balls. Guitars are kindof weak, and the drums don't hit exceptionally hard. Otherwise it's pretty clean and a solid song. I'm liking the vocal harmony production, but you could beef them up on the choruses.

I'd also ditch the stutter on "whore" :lol:
I picked up a demo of these guys from via rehearsal studios in brisbane only a few weeks ago.

did you do that one?

really cool music but needed abit of work mix wise.

back to your mix.

I think the bass in your mix might need a bit more power when this song kicks in...it almost doesn't? maybe just abit more.

hats maybe to loud?

otherwise pretty cool man.

Thanks, I am a vocalist so the singer and I always throw ideas at each other until we are both happy

Yea drums are a big problem with them. When we do the E.P I will probably be looking for someone to fix them up (I use sonar), as no matter how long I spend there is always massive problems. I will remember beefing the whole mix when we do the E.P, never know how far to go with pop, probably cause my references always have the vocals sitting up front and guitars and drums abit back in the mix.

Thanks for the comments.

P.S: stutter effect is kind of gay, but yea:)
Yea I did that one, we did 6 songs in like 3 days, was only meant to be a demo so they could send out to everyone:) Great band, they have only been together less than a year.

Hopefuly they don't mind me putting this song up :(
On all invidual: drum tracks, guitar tracks, main vocal track (around 15 individual tracks)
On: drum buss, guitar buss, vocal buss, master buss (4 busses)

Yea there will be no timing issues once we do the E.P, as we will spend all the time in the world until it is right and I will still pay someone to fix any other issues. I want to head more towards the mixing and production side, instead of fixing all the other problems, so I will be needing the services of people like jeff and morgan down the track :).
I gotta ask....where are the big timing issues in this track? It may not be 100% on grid as far as quantizing goes, but if you want that then why not just program and be done with it. The playing is not technical or hard by any stretch so if it's played decently to click why go and completely remove the human feel? Is it just to say that it's a real drummer?

I can definitely appreciate a well played track which may waver here and there.
I gotta ask....where are the big timing issues in this track? It may not be 100% on grid as far as quantizing goes, but if you want that then why not just program and be done with it. The playing is not technical or hard by any stretch so if it's played decently to click why go and completely remove the human feel? Is it just to say that it's a real drummer?

I can definitely appreciate a well played track which may waver here and there.

Sorry if you can't hear it, but the push/pull of the beat completely throws off the beat.

I agree - this is pretty simple stuff, so with a good drummer, you'd not need to quantize.

Operative phrase: "good drummer"
too clean (who didn't see that coming from me?) for my tastes....add some room in there and get the vibe popping!

if you recorded stereo room for the drums, dupe 'em, crush 'em until they are blooming nicely and ride the level through the song!

same can go with the vocal. even a plug, make a buss with room verb, stun it and ride that as well throughout.
The guitars seem to go out of tune in places. Or is it just me? Overall though I like the song. With some cleaning up performance wise, this should be really great.
yea listening back there seems to be tuning issues as well. The band has put it on myspace etc so there will be no changes (couldn't anyway), but thanks for the suggestions and feedback I will defiently be working on all those problems that everyone pointed out.