Having a little trouble with this song


Jan 17, 2009
This a song I am doing for a young aussie band. I produced this from an orginal song that they had (structure was everywhere) and slowly have been adding different elements to the song. Just rececntly did vocals and awaiting to do harmonies, so I started mixing it. To me it sounds good on my speakers, car and home stereo, but wanting to know opinions from other people that work in this type of genre. The glitch effect etc were their ideas, but probably will be removed at the end of mixing.

drums were miked using: NT5'S, NT2A's, AKG418's, AUDIX D6/I5, SHURE 57's
samples added on kick and snare
bass: di
vocals: NT2a
Guitars: one shure 57

slate vcc
dmg equality
waves cla
soundtoys echoboy

were my main plugs

various reverbs and compressors were also used

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16373039/01-without harmonies-consolidated-110301_1035.mp3