Pope’s child porn 'normal' claim sparks outrage among victims


^Yeah!! :D

And the German fuckin´always will be the villain! Not only in James Bond movies, it seems.

Well God does hate Germany


If you dont want to visit the link, some of what it says:

Germany's Filthy Manner of Life

Germany's Filthy Manner of LifeCrime/Genocide

What else is this shameful country known for but the murder of millions and millions of people in World War II? The filthy pervert Adolf Hitler was raised to power and then able to convince a people to carry out his plan to virtually eliminate a race. What is wrong with you people to blindly go along with such evil and wickedness? You all are drenched in the blood of those murdered!


Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

The same God that said that thou shalt not kill and further stated that thou shalt not even have murderous thoughts against thy neighbor, said it is an abomination to be a fag. But since you ignored that plainly written commandment to not kill by your mass murdering of millions of people, the fags rose to the occasion, mocking you hypocrites, demanding your respect and your support of their filth - and you did that without batting an eye! Germany repealed its sodomy laws in 1968, thereby making an agreement with hell and a covenant with death. In doing so, Germany proudly labeled herself a fag-enabling country and encouraged both her countrymen and all nations who looked on to further disobey God.

Some of the filth that permeates this God-forsaken nation is seen on a regular basis through yearly festivals and parades, namely: CSD-Northwest, Lesbian and Gay Festival, Berlin Love Parade, World AIDS Day- Frankfurt, Verzaubert International Queer Film Festival, Wigstockel (attracting fags and freaks to a club from all over), F**ckparade (a fag and political party against authority) and Run for More Time (a race for HIV/AIDS).