Popping my cherry - First ProgPower USA


Bass player from LORD
Sep 3, 2002
Sydney, NSW
Hey guys/gals

This year will be my first PPUSA and I'm looking for a bit of advice from my fello PPUSA attendees as to how I should plan my trip from good ole Sydney Australia to Atlanta.

I'll be stopping over in LA for a couple of nights and I'm now considering whether I should have a night or two in another major city before getting into Atlanta on the 9th for Midweek Mayhem. The other alternatives are that I stay in LA for an extra night or two or come to Atlanta on the Monday or Tuesday.

Are there any particular US cities that are better than others for metal? A great local community, local shows, local metal music stores (or at least stock metal), etc? I'm coming over to have fun but primarily would love to network and meet people.

Thanks in advance and looking forward to meeting some of you at PPUSA! :)

(Wasn't sure which section this should be in as it will no doubt go off on a tangent!)
The obvious choices would be to either spend all of your extra time in LA or to split it between LA and San Francisco. Both cities have excellent record stores (Amoeba and Rasputins). You will usually find more shows in LA than just about any American city other than New York. Everybody should go to the Whisky a Go Go in LA at least once. SF isn't too far behind, and is of course the home base of the thrash metal movement. The Fillmore is the legendary venue in SF and you should try to catch as show there if you can. I wouldn't plan on arriving in Atlanta any earlier than Tuesday evening.
Another question (there will probably be heaps between now and September);

I'm a big CD buyer/collector and will be taking advantage of being in the US by picking up a lot of underground/independent US metal releases. My question is, who are some of the newer US metal bands as well as releases that I should pick up when I'm over in September?

Looking at what and who is new that I can jump on, and if good, spread the word back here in Australia :-)
If you like power metal, I'd suggest joining US Power Metal Connection on Facebook. We're extremely juvenile acting, but the group has a lot of very knowledgeable power metal fans, both of the US and European varieties.

I would also suggest my own compilation project, A Flame In The Dark, which focuses on promotion of US Power Metal bands, mostly unsigned, but all with recent releases (digital and physical). You may find some good bands that you haven't heard yet from our Bandcamp page:
