Porcupine Tree show in NYC..AMAZING!!

Thorns of Sorrow

My pic is squished
Apr 18, 2002
New York City
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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just got back from the show...Trully and utterly mind blowing..

First off was this dude named Greg Howard..H eplaye dthe Chpaman Stick, he was a one man band, and he was incredible! I have never heard someone shred so crazy on the stick like that before itw as crazy, his leads were beautiful, and his tone was cool...It was unique, and I liked it alot.

Then came Porcupine Tree, amongst the songs they played were..

- Last Chance to evacutae Planet earth before it is recycled
- Evenless
- Shes Moved on (was incredible!)
- Dark Matter
- Hatesong

and 2 of the upcomming album
- The sound of Muzak (with some commentary about how much steven hates the music industry)
- Soul Ripper?

ugh those are all I can remember now, they played a preftc set 1 hr and 45 mins, Steven Wilson = GOD!. Steven Wilsons guitar work tonight was some of the greatest guitar playing i have evr seen. His tone was ooozing man. I almost started to cry during a few songs, it got eomtional for a sec there. His voice was perfect. I got the chills watching him onstage, hes such a monolithic figure in the music industry..hehe he plays barefoot which was cool. Also, he sported a brand new PRS custom 24, which he used most of the nite, same xact one as Akerfeldt...and he also used to his custom Fender Strat as well, the red one. They played 2 ecores. Steven seems like such a cool guy, he was very shy, but charmingly funny. He rocked out on stage too, which was cool. the new Drumemr was awesome, and their other guitarist John Wesley was also great. For the first time in a while, I had a trully emotional and spiritual musical expereince..I wa sliterally blown away...Mikael if you read this...please you and steven must collaborate, you 2 guys are my favorite guitar players, and it would just be amaizing for you 2 to get together and jam :grin: and possibly record sumthin...

UM.com forum members I met there...

Alucard, he was mad cool, really nice guy met him his gf and his friend.

Its a real shame so little UM.com Opeth fans are in NYC I think the number us like 3, I would really like to meet up with you guys especially during shows. Anyways, Alucard, hope you got home safe. And I hope I see you at another show ;)

Demonspell!? where the hell were you? lol we were looking for you! :lol: Anyways man, i was the tall long haired kid with the BWP tshirt directly in front of Steven the whole show.

o yeh and my pride and joy....Steven Wilsons pick, that I and only I got muhahaha


Here's the complete setlist to the best of my memory, not in order at all...

Dark Matter
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Pure Narcotic
Stop Swimming
Tinto Brass
Last Chance to Evacuate...
Buying New Soul

plus three new songs including:
Sound of Muzak
Strip the Soul(very cool song)

They also played a cool instrumental that I didn't recognize, it may have also been from the new album.
Hey that sounds awesome.

I got my Porcupine Tree tickets for this Saturday in Baltimore..

What time did doors open and what time did they start playing?

I get off work at 6 so I might cut it close.

Damn you, Thorns. My only chance to see this tour was in Baltimore, which is about 8 hours away. :(

I think I'll buy some more P.T. cds today. I have Recordings, Lightbulb Sun, and On the Sunday of Life... I think I'll get Stupid Dream, Signify, and maybe Metanoia unless someone can convince me to get another album.

Nice going on the pick...I always get picks from smaller shows. Grrr, I'm still jealous. :D
yeh man the instrumental was "wedding nails" from the new album...it was really technical, the main riff was really fnger twisting, and before they played it steven said "Oh this next one is hard, so I better concentrate" in a funny voice...

How I got the pick? When everyone was leaving, I asked one of the roadies to give me one of the pics still on the pick holder attached to the microphone hehe, the other guy who was next to me got the setlist.
Lucky bastard :cool:

From what I've heard there are 5 heavy songs on the new album...

I've just found this on the DigitalMetal board, this is a message from the administrator :

I've gotten to hear about four tracks off the new record, and it's really a good effort. The first track "Blackest Eyes" is very heavy in an Opeth way (much like "Cut Ribbon"), but quickly states that it's PT. Overall, this killer, and I can't wait to hear the rest of it.

I can't wait me too !!
Great to hear about a die hard porcupine tree fan Thorns...

I recently bought Lightbulb Sun...it's pure brilliance...the emotion convoyed touched me in such a particular way that it makes me almost cry everytime I listen to it...

I'm quite surprise with their track listing in the show...Last Chance...and Hate song are my least favorite song on the album.
And you, how did you like Lightbulb Sun?

By the way, I was told that Steven Wilson is currently working with the band for the 2 albums release...
wow..i've heard so much about that show in NYC. I've also heard nothing but praise about the new songs, and the new song Gravity Eyelids is also slowly becoming one of my favorite tracks from these guys..damn, September 24 just can't come any sooner!!