porcupine tree....which album next?

Demonspell said:
All of them, working in reverse chronological order...
exactly so. (although I see there's gonna be a new expanded version of coma divine, damn damn, damn! Wilson keeps pulling new music out of the archives...)

so buy lightbulb sun next, followed by stupid dream. then perhaps to get a taste of the older styles they've/he's played, pick up the Stars Die compilation.
gotham said:
it should definitely be lightbulb sun or stupid dream because many of the earlier albums will be re-released soon with bonus tracks, check out porcupinetree.com for details
I was under the impression that those were going to be re-released as well... :err:
I think Snapper sold the rights to Lightbulb Sun and Stupid dream to Lava, who plan to re-release them sometime, but I don't think they'll get any special treatment like Coma Divine, The Sky Moves Sideways and Up The Downstair which are/have been remastered.