Porcupine Tree

In Absentia is nice one.. OK.. I haven´t really heard others.. :Smug:
LuminousAether said:
Why the question marks? I mean, think about it. Asking people on Ultimate Metal if they like Porcupine Tree... It's common knowledge that PT is the rock band du jour of this community.

Oh..ok...I thought that I senses sarcasm, lol. :shrug: I do like em a lot. In absentia and Signify are my favorites..besides their 2cd greatest hits. Blackest Eyes from In Absentia has been getting a huge amount of airplay over here. Bout time they get some recognition...In Absentia is a helluva lot more accesible than their other albums though I might add. A lot less psychedelic, if I may.
porcupine tree last album just sounded stale to me. i don't like how they've went into that pseudo radiohead/coldplay sound. and one track "wedding nails" is just a plain dream theater ripoff.

but steven wilson has done some great stuff. his bass communion albums are pretty good and i think i might enjoy some of the similar ambient projects porcupine tree has done. just need to time to track it down.
Uhhh... Porcupine Tree sounds NOTHING like Dream Theater. They took some ideas from Opeth, but they don't sound at all like Dream Theater by any remote stretch. And they also don't sound like Radiohead or Coldplay either, dumbass. Idiot...
LuminousAether said:
Uhhh... Porcupine Tree sounds NOTHING like Dream Theater. They took some ideas from Opeth, but they don't sound at all like Dream Theater by any remote stretch. And they also don't sound like Radiohead or Coldplay either, dumbass. Idiot...
Judging from your posts you are definately the single most negative person I've ever spotted on any message board on internet in my entire life. It's amazing how you constantly keep focusing on the negative side of everything and feel a need to bash people and their opinions, etc. What a sad little life you must lead...

OoDee said:
Judging from your posts you are definately the single most negative person I've ever spotted on any message board on internet in my entire life. It's amazing how you constantly keep focusing on the negative side of everything and feel a need to bash people and their opinions, etc. What a sad little life you must lead...

By pointing this out, you are being negative yourself. Oh, the irony is thick. Fuck off, wanker.
OoDee said:
Judging from your posts you are definately the single most negative person I've ever spotted on any message board on internet in my entire life. It's amazing how you constantly keep focusing on the negative side of everything and feel a need to bash people and their opinions, etc. What a sad little life you must lead...

You missed out on the Dying Sun days. Even though he's still around, sorta, he's not as outspokenly ignorant as he once was.
LuminousAether said:
By pointing this out, you are being negative yourself. Oh, the irony is thick. Fuck off, wanker.
I am being negative in these particular posts. However, I was referring to about 90% of all your posts I read. And the way you always seem to finish a majority of your posts just keeps proving how you really need to keep calling people names.

I think Dying Sun really won in the end, since his legacy of elitism still carries on.

But ON TOPIC, Lightbulb Sun is my all time favorite sleepy-music album ever. Ive put it on at night before I go to bed countless times. Brilliant, brilliant music and his talent for composing good rock songs goes unnoticed by so many.Sad.
Bought In Absentia, hearing that they were the "best prog rock band going." Traded it in when I realized the whole album, sans one track, was just accessible-as-fuck non-progressive pop rock. Not my style of choice at ALL.