Pork sword or mutton dagger?

how would you describe it?

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most disturbing film I recently saw .. Julien the donkey boy on filmfour extreme.. This "special lad" shags his sister gets her pregnant and then when iceskating she falls over loses the baby and the "special" brother steals the dead baby and takes it home and hides under his bed talking to it for days... and the dad asks the other son to wear his dead mums clothes and dance with him... But I dunno it was jus rather strange the camera effects n all that not really one to watch if you have epilepsy.
bleed_black_orchid said:
most disturbing film I recently saw .. Julien the donkey boy on filmfour extreme.. This "special lad" shags his sister gets her pregnant and then when iceskating she falls over loses the baby and the "special" brother steals the dead baby and takes it home and hides under his bed talking to it for days... and the dad asks the other son to wear his dead mums clothes and dance with him... But I dunno it was jus rather strange the camera effects n all that not really one to watch if you have epilepsy.
Shit i wish i had seen that it sounds cool o_O
yeah it was actually pretty good... filmfour extreme is excellent..
I watched sum other film called tales of a trickbaby or sumthin like that about 2 girls in prison one is a lesbian necrophiliac murderer who killed her whole family and the other one is an anorexic crack addict murderer and anyway they escape together and they hide out in sum old couples house the lesbian kills both of them and then has sex with the old bird...The anorexic eats a chicken leg then throws up allover the place. They go in search of the lesbians home where sum nun used to look after her cos her dad used to rape her n stuff. And when they get there they find a porno studio under the nuns home and the lesbian remembers and gets flashbacks that the nun used to film her gettin raped as a child so they waste the nun and burn down her house. And it all ended happily ever after cos they got together... awwww