Portland show


Aug 22, 2005
Portland, OR
Since there wasn't much lead-time and no advertising for the show at all, there were only 40 or so people in the place, which is pretty embarassing. The opening band was Livid Minds or Living Minds (a local band I think). Their singer thanked "all twelve" of us for showing up. :D There were two opening bands on the bill, but the other one didn't play (Kubota, or something like that).

I heard Nevermore cancelled the night before in Sacramento and they probably should have just cancelled this one too. It's the last night of 4 months of touring and Warrell's voice was terrible. He couldn't hit any of the high notes and had to just flat-out skip some lines while he cleared his throat or coughed. I'm assuming the short set was due to Warrell's voice giving out. It seemed to get worse as the show went on. The rest of the band was in excellent form though.

Here's to hoping they start their next headlining tour in Portland so we get to hear Warrell in top form.


Precognition (recorded, played as they took the stage)
Acid Words
Bittersweet Feast
Never Purify
This Sacrament
The River Dragon Has Come
Beyond Within
This Godless Endeavor
7 Tongues of God
Enemies of Reality
Heres my take on the Portland Nevermore show , Im so freaking happy that they added this date , I would have paied the $15 or whatever it was just to meet them again, ( before the show we got to hang out talk with Jeff & Steve while they played Vid games,Van walked the hallway and got to chat with him as well cool guys all of em ! hanging out in the bar got to see Sheppard he remembered me from lastime ( I ran after him ) warrel peeked in ( ran like a mofo to catch him ) I caught up with him and he greeted me with a huge smile( warrel- Hey I was just thinking about you I knew youd be here . me - :loco: DUH ) He told me that he wasnt feeling good at all I think he said he was comming down with a cold, and needed food and coffee.I told him regardless you look GREAT, the set was good I liked going from TGE - EOR. was a fucking blast and I was singing so loud I couldnt hear Warrel anyways, and when his vox fucked up I yelled for him to come here Ill sing it( thanx for laughing at me Warrel )the only complaint I could come up with was the sound system Jeff kept yelling turn my amp up ! Otherwise I thought it was good and Im not bitching about the 50 people there , it was like a private concert and I wouldnt changed a thing accept maybe play longer ! Oh and BTW Koboti or whatever the band was, played after Nevermore so we followed the bus down to the store where they guys where buying munchies God I love em, Now they know Im a fucking Nevermore nut hehe I give this night three thumbs up:headbang: now its on to Seattles show .........( which they will advertise better) drive up Mega !
Y'know what -- if I want to hear a perfect reproduction of the album, I'll turn on my CD player. They're pros and they put on a great show after 16 straight weeks of beating the shit outta themselves and living in a metal shoe box, and they did it for 40 people.
I'm not knocking their effort or the value I got for my money. They put everything they had into it and the fact that they played at all for such a small crowd is cool. Don't get me wrong, if they were playing again tonight (in Portland), I'd be right there paying another 15 bucks. I don't expect or want to hear a perfect reproduction of the album at a live show, I was just disappointed that Warrell's voice was so shot.
Absolutely worth the road trip last night! Talking to "W" beforehand it sounded
like it was going to be a rough night for him...but they played as if it were
a full house. At one point Warrel thought he was doing a Beegees Vegas lounge act. Ha! :wave:

W...check that CD with headphones on!...