Possible touchy subject...I'm not a big fan of Janick Gers


Your hippie fan
Sep 26, 2004
Sacramento, CA
With Adrian back, does Iron Maiden really need Janick? I saw Maiden last summer at the Marysville amphitheatre and it seemed Janick didn't really fit in. Dave and Adrian were smoking the guitars (as usual) while Janick was throwing his guitar all around, dancing all around. It seemed like Janick would fit in with some glam hair band and not Maiden. I did, however, enjoy his work on Fear of the Dark and I remember that tour being pretty kick ass. Now with Adrian back, I feel like he's out of place. Just my .02 cents and with or without Janick, I'll never miss and Iron Maiden show.

I hope I didn't offend anyone... just my opinion :Smug:

-- David
Jannick is essential for the band. He may not have the technical skills of Adrian, or the emotional feel Dave gives with is solos, but he does write some of the better songs the band has done in recent years, and he is electric on stage. Jannick pumps the fresh blood that the band sorely needs.
I did some headphone review tonight and I'll be the first to say, Be Quick or be Dead is a KICK ASS SONG - co written by Janick! (By the way, the Maidens opened up with that in Sacto and it was so SOLID!) He does contribute good material to the band. I think it's his stage presence, compared to the bands', that I didn't like.

I can see why alot of people wouldn't like Janick but for me he's a great part of the band. His contributions to my fave Maiden album (BNW) are amazing! He may look at tad silly on stage but he is just having fun. When I saw Maiden last December I was in front of him the whole show and he keep that section of the crowd totally entertained, and was interacting with us the whole time. And I swear on my life that he gave me a sly wink after Fear Of The Dark, probably because I was the only girl in that section of the crowd and was going absolutely nuts!! I really hurt my neck during that song!! Haha, it was totally worth it tho!
Has anyone noticed the difference in Adrian since he's been back? During his first stint in the band, he really had the stage presence of someone who was just there to do his job and nothing else. Now, he really seems to love what he does. Am I the only one who has noticed (or thinks) this?
darthrya said:
Has anyone noticed the difference in Adrian since he's been back? During his first stint in the band, he really had the stage presence of someone who was just there to do his job and nothing else. Now, he really seems to love what he does. Am I the only one who has noticed (or thinks) this?
I used to think that as well. He never really looked like he was enjoying himself but now, thought he usually stays in the same spot and not running al over the place like everyone else, he plays with a big smile on his face. I was watching the GMETID tour from the Rock Am Ring today and there's one point where him and Janick are goofing around and do the Angus Young duck walk. I was quite surprised to see him do that but it made me laugh! H rules!!!
the third guitarist adds a kewl musical element to the band. live, there were some new harmonies on hallowed and perhaps they'll even tackle flash of the blade on the next batch of tours which has that intricate solo section with the multiple parts \m/ there's also more depth to some chords like adding the lower root on 666 that fills it up nicely (i actually added this too on our tribute cd). i also was on janicks side for the last tour and his showmanship is amazing. damn, how does his flip his guitar around like that without smackin his chin? i love his clean tone too :)
MiniMurray said:
the third guitarist adds a kewl musical element to the band. live, there were some new harmonies on hallowed and perhaps they'll even tackle flash of the blade on the next batch of tours which has that intricate solo section with the multiple parts \m/ there's also more depth to some chords like adding the lower root on 666 that fills it up nicely (i actually added this too on our tribute cd). i also was on janicks side for the last tour and his showmanship is amazing. damn, how does his flip his guitar around like that without smackin his chin? i love his clean tone too :)
Definately agree!!! I loved it when he went to throw his guitar into the crowd and then pulled it back. If he'd have let it go it would have landed on my head!! He was VERY entertaining on stage! :worship:
MiniMurray said:
perhaps they'll even tackle flash of the blade on the next batch of tours which has that intricate solo section with the multiple parts \m/

I've always wanted to hear them play that live, but I doubt Steve will go for it. He's really not into reviving old tunes, which really sucks. That song is fun to play (though I am sure I'm rusty on it-- I haven't played it since battle of the bands in high school about 10 years ago!).
i think maiden have progressed more with janick in the band and therefore i think it was a wise decision to having 3 guitarists instead of 2
We are all entitled to our opinion. I personally don't like Janick's stage presence, but like everyone said, he is killer with the song writing. So, with that in mind, we are all lucky that he is on board with Maiden. Can you imagine any other band playing those songs? Thanks Janick!!