Possibly the smartest thing George Dubyah Bush has said?


New Metal Member
Dec 1, 2002
Eastwood, Nottingham
On the news tonight, a "cult" in North America has claimed some of their scientists have created the first human clone

I think this is very dangerous and a lot of "film" type scenerios could happen and would be v.bad if out of control.

However...Good old bush boi has stated that he is 100% against this and will put a stop to this madness...the smartest thing hes ever said *sniff*

Whats your views on his actions and the "cults" about Clones?
I think his statement: "its time for the human race to enter the solar system" was pretty clever :p

Anyway Im not for human cloning, if we however could clone an extinct animal like a dinosaur or something like that...I think we should do it...or if we could clone an animal that was extict because of human actions.
I dont think we should clone anything, neither humans or dead races. I do see your point in giving back life to a species, but life alone isnt the point about that. Every species has got social structures and things that are given from parents to children in order to make sure they survive. Who'd teach a Velociraptor how to hunt chicken or something? Who'd teach the Archeopterix to fly? I think we humans are busy enough with our own stuff and should concentrate on the mistakes we're doing everyday before we unleash new species...

I personally would hate to be a direct copy of my father and I dont think that anybody has got the right to create a child like that.
Someone once said that humans and technology are comparable to new-borns and toys. The urge of trying everything out is omnipresent. The thing is, humans dont have parents in that way who'd tell them it's unwise to try out wether the toy can be thrown out of the window and stay intact... if you know what I mean.
Acting wisely would mean that you dont use technology for its own purpose, only because it's possible but for a purpose you set yourself. I dont see what this child is good for, scientifically apart from prooving it's possible, so it can frankly be called foolish from the scientist's part.
You have a good point there Northern Viking, but still it would be extremely cool to see an Allosaurus jump out of the bushes and tear a poser to shreds when you are on your way to school ;)
I am vehemently against cloning. I think its hilarious how life has become a subjective term in this day and age. I am curious to discover what this sect is all about, as well. I hope good old George stamps this burning bag of shit out, and some restrictions are placed on tampering with HUMAN LIVES. I do think, however, this is different than usingDNA to generate tissue/parts...not that that's whats an issue at all.
Is it really possible for George W. Bush to say something even remotely intelligent? As for Bush in general, fuck him and his government.

Cloning is simply a bad idea. Cloning humans is an even worse idea. Why would you want to bring back the dead or make a carbon copy of yourself? Sorry if I seem a bit rude, but fuck you and the dead. If a loved one dies.. then deal with it. It's the natural way. And why would you need another 'you'? I don't see why anyone would want that unless you're a greedy bastard hellbent on world domination like Bill Gates. Reviving dead species of animals isn't really too bright either. The species died for a reason, what's changed other than the human population has grown larger and the pollution is worse by the day. Perfect conditions for a struggling species to survive in, isn't it.

I would rather not live my life with a bunch of test tube zombies walking the streets. Plus this presents the problem of over-crowding. Look at many of the African countries. Over-crowding looks exciting! Where do I sign up?!

That's my stand on cloning... Bush will do nothing about that "cult", well.. nothing intelligent. He'll probably order his 'troops' to rush in a shoot everybody like the government did at Waco.
I, as well, am against cloning. What many supporters of cloning fail to realize is that "cloning" (that is, growing the actual body) is not the worst that will come out of this procedure. You need not only concern yourself with the physical appearance, but something much more emotional that will come into play as well. I think everyone knows what I am referring to... either from an infant or from an exact copy of your loved one...Make your own assumptions.

Many questions come from this cloning idea. And all of them are answered with this: It is absurd, illogical and insane.

Of course, what could swiftly become the worse aspect to cloning, are the theological questions that this aspiration will spawn. ( if that is your cup of tea...). We all know that religion can become a very dangerous thing when weilded by the one-track minded masses. Know that nothing good will come from cloning a human being. Only chaos.

Though, I do think that there is great potential in growing, say, an ear, or a nose, or, perhaps even a heart.

I have babbled quite enough! heh heh
Yes, I think that plenty of research can and should be done with umbilical cord tissue and such things to gain knowledge that will lead to our ability to recreate body PARTS, not a life. However many scientists want to clone entire human beings to do this, the whole stem cell research debate. Pretty screwed up that mainstream science has become such a mess of extreme naturalists that human life has no meaning to them beyond the biological processes anymore...for shame.
Ok, maybe bringing back the dinosaurs wasnt such a bright idea as it seemed when I first thought of it...:p

But still some species are extict just because we killed them all...and not because of some natural reason...
Indeed Wandrail. You know as well as I, that "science", in its purest definition, really has not been used since shortly after the 16th century. In the same manner, "Humanity" has lost all of its meaning as well.

The "truth" behind cloning is, that in ONE WAY OR ANOTHER it will cause trouble that no one on this earth needs, not now, not ever.

tck... a paradox it is. heh heh...
!!!!! Stream of Daggers!!! Hahahah...oh my God, I can hardly believe you busted that monstrosity out! My vocals towards the middle of that song are pretty decent, I think, though..the "Every sun I awaken to.." part...think about it, that song is practically prog rock! :lol:
Cloning is a bad idea. It negates the whole existence of a human soul. Without getting into the theology of it, what defines us as human beings is called into question with cloning.

Stem cell research to create organs, I am all for the grand possibilities therein. Organ donors may no longer be necessary someday, which is a good thing.

About the dinosaurs: didn't anybody read Jurassic Park or at least watch the movie!?!?! DANGEROUS!!! :spin: