Post a pic of you NOW.


:eek: ^FANATIC!! Get him girls! *guts Joe*
@Joe, you once said something about it on msn too, that makes it twice! :mad:

:lol: Your nose is so big I heard they found King Tut in your left nostril!

[/original lame joke]

(I'm saying your nose is as big as a pyramid incase you don't get it :p)

All these were brilliant, including your signature Joe! :lol: I know you only added text to these but for other photo edits do you use ms paint for the most part or some photo shop program (if so, which one). I MUSTZ NOES!!!

I use macrochan to find these pics but I do have many original ones I've made myself.

How the hell do you pay your fans Joe?
With my delicious cock?? How else?!