Post a pic of you NOW.

DAMN!! i hate Tokio Hotel!!!
and i hate all emo music..

but atleast thank you for saying its funny. thats cool haha
haha but you look like one :lol:
no offence but it's like wearing a flannel, converse, torn jeans, long ,greasy hair but complaing why everybody thinks you like nirvana,grunge,etc ;)
thats ok haha
theres me before i died it black.
more people say i look like im from the 80s?
never gotten emo before haha.
hopefully tokio hotel dies so i dont get it again hah
thats ok haha
theres me before i died it black.
more people say i look like im from the 80s?
never gotten emo before haha.
hopefully tokio hotel dies so i dont get it again hah

You do look 80's, but that doesn't exclude that fact that you do look abit like that guy. I don't have a problem with it, it's just bad luck i guess, that your look gets associated with the emo look.
thats ok haha
theres me before i died it black.
more people say i look like im from the 80s?
never gotten emo before haha.
hopefully tokio hotel dies so i dont get it again hah

hahahah now that's cool , definitely 80's :D
you should have kept it like that
yeah i know haha.
i must admit, there have been some randoms saying i look like that dude..
but never been called emo.
i only recently heard emos have started to take things from the glam look..
ahhh well. i dont care^-^
the glam looks way better than the emo look anyways hhaa
I can't blame you for looking like that twat :lol: but the way your hair looks now is quite emoish , it's the color and the style, that's all. But you know..I don't really care about people's looks so ..whatever.
at that pic?
one of the funniest day this year:lol:

haha yeah :lol: it looks like you're sleeping or something, and the train suddently stop, and you're trown from your sit :lol: i imagined the whole situation in my mind

rawks :lol:
haha yeah :lol: it looks like you're sleeping or something, and the train suddently stop, and you're trown from your sit :lol: i imagined the whole situation in my mind

rawks :lol:

We took a train to another town just to drink there in a park (it's part of a drinking game tournemt tour ,which is once a year).We got extremely wasted and a lot of funny shit happened:lol: I don't remember what I was doing when the pic was taken,maybe getting up, maybe seraching something..hiding? :Smug: