post awesome .gifs here.

haha Heath "The Texas Crazy Horse" Herring. That's the hardest that schmuck's ever knocked any body out lol.

That said, Nakao definitely definitely deserved to get hit for doing some shit like that.

Another Herring LOL. This time the tables are turned :D

I watch some of these occasionally, when they hit the 'tube...

Still waiting for the Ken vs. Frank Shamrock fight to happen one day... will it ever? Watched Ken's comeback against fat ass Clifton a few days ago, only to find out that Ken's being suspended for steroids...

Then there's another one I'm really looking forward to: Bobby Lashley vs. Bob Sapp after seeing Lashley choking out some duder in - what - 24 seconds?

Pissed off negro is pissed off.
Pissed off negro is pissed off.
hahahahaha I'm laughing way too hard at this right now! Can't believe I missed this post haha. Real life lols haha. Yeah I agree, I think Lashley has serious potential, and I love that he's coming up the right way through the ranks. I can see him becoming a top level fighter someday.

Now, the reason I ever saw this post in the first place, we can thank mah-fuckin bacon.

... coming from the man who trolls Internet forums without even having the imagination to be funny.

Your a puke, this schenkadere(whatever) guy is awsome. He should keep it up. You virgin shit eaters need to be kept on your toes.

the beast of wotan gay asshole sure has good blowjob form. He probably has a big load under his tongue and is showing it off.

all you fucks are low life little dick jerkers who eat your own sperm, and have no friends, thats why your still here on the 'forum' poping off your pie holes about 'spammers'.

Has Will BoFARTh killed himself yet?

go to hell.