post-black-metal/shoegaze/whatever (real amp ;)


Nov 17, 2008
Munich, Germany
Any opinions on this mix?
It's a rough mix because my studio still isn't finished and my controlroom is basically empty so I couldn't judge it very good (especially the low-end).
Played around with it today nevertheless.

So.. what do you think? Be honest.
I hate the clean guitars, they're still PODfarm and sound like shit imho.. but I can't reamp for a while :(
Distorted guitars are 6505+, Drums are Slate (obviously :lol: ).
I'd work on the distorted guitars, as well as on the kick and snare during the clean part. The bass doesn't sound very full. The rest is fine :)
Thanks for the criticism guys!
I'm a bit ambivalent regarding the distorted guitars: The sound is somehow muddy, but there's almost no low-/mid-end and i already stressed the highs.
On the other hand the riff itself is pretty "muddy" because a lot of strings are played and continue to ring pretty much uncontrolled.. so I can't really avoid it.
The client likes the sound, though.

I agree on the bass, I'm always having troubles with getting a cool bass sound.
It was a real cheap bass with old strings (.. I know, that's bad) but I'll try to add a distorted/overdriven bass track for a bit more grit.
And yeah, Alcest is the rough direction he wants to go sound-wise, thanks for reminding me - I always forget to listen to reference mixes during the mixing process.