post childhood photos!

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The only pictures I have scanned or here in the states:

with mommy:


...and for Halloween I was a little dutch girl:
No doubt I looked thrilled.


Your so cute! I love that last one especially.
Grade 8 photo (13 years of age)


Only one I could find in my box of memorbilia. I'm sure I have my old year books from Elementary school, and I'm sure I have some baby photos somewhere, so if or when I find 'em, I'll upload another.
I'm gonna have to do some cheek pinching! Cute pic Anvil!

(I have discovered from my Niece and Nephew that I have become the childless Aunt that pinches cheeks too! LOL The more I annoy them, the less likely they will want to come over!)
Man, this took a lot of searching.

:lol: Epic 'awwww' thread! Great pics!
Stormo, deliver!
Well, here I go apostin' my part:

bartender Deni

silly kindergarten Xmas

Thinkin' bout a proper poem to tell Santa..I slaved for that Barbie!
