post funny metal photos

Smarkum said:
I really really wanted to post this photo, but my profile says "You may not post attachments." WHY??!?

Anyhow, here's a link to a funny photo but they aren't really metal anymore are they? :u-huh:

Don't worry about it. When you want to post one, click on the little yellow box with the mountain's up top, and paste the pics link.

Done and done.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
Is that male or female? Something about the lack of muscle tone in the arms tells me female, but you never know.

Are you referring to my post? Because if you are, it's a photo of Vinny Cavanagh...


I shit you not. :tickled:
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
Don't worry about it. When you want to post one, click on the little yellow box with the mountain's up top, and paste the pics link.

Done and done.
YAAAY! It worked! Many thanks!!!