Post-Hardcore Rough mix W.I.P.

sounds pretty good, podfarm? i don't like the snare, needs some further eqing. its got a weird freq in there somewhere.
Thanks! The tone is made in Guitar Rig 4. Spent some time getting as close to my physical rig's sound as I could. I'll Play with the snare a bit and see what I come up with.

I'm glad you like the Dubstep track :D

Its no where near finished so its not the greatest at the moment, but I do all of my mixing and writing in Ableton Live 8
Overall sounding is good.

A couple of advices:
1. More bass guitar.
2. Turn the mids down a little on guitars.
3. Maybe a brighter (not so boxy) snare sound?
Thanks for the input! As far ass the bass goes I'm sort of cheating until I can borrow one from a friend. I just recorded a guitar track 2 octaves higher then threw an EQ on it, transposed it down to the correct pitch and ran the tone through guitar rig 4 for the modeling. So it sounds a bit fake if I bring it up any louder. But I'll definitely mix it louder in the final comp. As for the snare and the guitars, I'll tweak some stuff tonight and post and update to see what you guys think. And again, thanks for your feedback!