Post in this thread and I'll tell you what I honestly think of you.

you should re-read it.

A lot of what I said about Laura applies to you as well, at least as far the insecurity stuff goes. You're another one that I think has amazing potential but is blowing it with a "not giving a shit" attitude. I also think you sometimes try to come off harder and more badass than everyone else, but it fails because you are also so open about your insecurities. It just doesn't make sense that someone who apparently thinks so little of himself can actually try to act like he's more well rounded and streetwise than everyone else, especially people he's never met in person.

Sometimes I think your determination to prove you like rap and hip-hop and get along so well with other races gets excessively annoying. In this day and age it's not really that weird for white people to have black friends so you always pointing it out makes it seems like you're trying to prove something that no one really cares about. Cool. You get on well with black people. You understand them. Right on. So do I. Who cares?

That said, I think you're fucking awesome John. You're also young and have a lot of growing up to do. I think you have a good head on your shoulders and I'm confident that when it comes down to it, you know how to use it when it counts. I love that you're always so active in trying to make yourself better and conquer your demons. You're willing to lay it all out there and listen to what everyone thinks with an open mind. Just keep that shit up man, it's hard work but if you want it bad enough, you'll persevere. Fuck, I can see you doing it already.

Dunno about everyone else, but I'd miss you.
Fuck this posting shit, Kevin. Tell everyone what you really think of them whether they ask for it or not!

haha i've thought about doing that, too! But that's kinda basically the idea of this thread. Maybe I'll make another that says "Don't bother posting in this thread, I'm gonna talk shit about you no matter what..."

I will get to Jeff and Jen and JLF later today :)
That is fucking awesome.

I've been gone for a while, now that I think about it...


Yeah you seem to come and go, but you're one of the so very few that come hang out in IRC from time to time, so I know you better through that medium than this one, really.

I know you're a total math geek, to the point where you volunteer to help people solve their number problems out of boredom, and honestly man, that shit blows my mind lol. For me, that's like asking to be repeatedly kicked in the balls haha. So, props to you for being able to make such easy sense of something guys like me find so complicated and confusing.

Sometimes your posts/irc comments make me literally laugh out loud, like REALLY laugh out loud. I"ve probably laughed out loud harder to stuff you've said more than anyone else online ever. I can't think of any specifics, but it usually happens when you're making fun of someone by pointing out completely obvious shit in the simplest, yet most hilarious possible way that everyone else seemed to overlook. Some of your cracks on Joe are the stuff of legend. I might actually go back and look for some, they were so good!

You should definitely post more and come into irc more often and make fun of people with us :lol:
hey kevin, we should hang out. assuming your answer isn't FUCK YOU, JEWFAG.

Yeha we should for sure, yo! I don't know you very much because I think you were kinda done with the board and off to school by the time I really started posting and paying attention a lot. From what I can tell though, you're laid back and funny and don't take things too seriously which is a key to happiness, I say :D

I know you be Isabel's brother and I've kicked it with her and had a fuckin' rad time, so I'm sure it'd be the same story to rock with you. Are you 21 yet? If so, we can really fuck some shit up if you want to :kickass:
I haven't been around much lately, but I'm definitely curious..
Old skooler finally coming back around again :)

You love metal!

To be honest, it's been so long that I don't really recall a lot of your quirks that made you stand out from the rest of the board, but I do remember you are very nice and caring and never really said anything bad about anyone. Maybe you were generally happy overall but a little bit depressed as well for some reason? Since you've been back and have your own business now though, I don't get that at all. You seem much more excitable and stoked than I remember and that's really awesome!

I hope you stick around because I think you're rad and I'm pretty sure everyone else does too. Plus you gotta keep us in the loop with that store. That's and endeavor not many people will ever get around to doing, so it's fun to see how it works :)
posting here is for idiots...


You're either overly sarcastic or passive aggressive :lol:

Haha really though you seem like a pretty chill guy. Happy and content for the most part and your posts are usually good. I don't recall having any "wtf" moments reading any of your posts and you're usually pretty funny. I wish I knew more about you.

See damnit, it's all you guys that are awesome that need to post more. It seems like I know the least about some of the cooler people here.
You're either overly sarcastic or passive aggressive :lol:

Haha really though you seem like a pretty chill guy. Happy and content for the most part and your posts are usually good. I don't recall having any "wtf" moments reading any of your posts and you're usually pretty funny. I wish I knew more about you.

See damnit, it's all you guys that are awesome that need to post more. It seems like I know the least about some of the cooler people here.

Maybe if you knew more about them they wouldn't be as all-around cool? I'm really not trying to be a smartass this time, just a thought.

If I hadn't already met you in person once or twice, my reply would only be "You take awesome pictures and you need to post more."

Seriously, you need to post more. You sort of seem to live inside a shell almost. I'm not sure why but it confuses me because I think you're pretty awesome when you finally do open up a bit. You should cut loose a little bit more and put yourself out there. Don't worry what anyone else thinks and just have fun :)

That aside, you're pretty smart and very creative. I relate to you in a lot of ways. I think we both get misunderstood a lot and that has some distinctive side effects, mainly things like becoming introverted or disinterested in what other people think or do. These kinds of things used to make me retreat to solitude by myself, but personally that wasn't working for me. I have a very interesting case of a love/hate relationship with social situations. I'm not sure if it's the same for you, but I didn't like it and I have always tried to break myself of that curse and just enjoy any social interaction with anybody, no matter the basis. I figure it's better to be and look like an idiot who has fun than the awkward quiet guy that doesn't really know why he's there.

I'm not implying that what I'm saying defines you, because in all honesty I don't really know you that well and I could be so far off the mark it's not even funny. I've just gotten the impression so far that you're quiet and shy because you're worried what others think of you, or you feel like there's a cultural barrier between you and the people here.

I can imagine you being a totally eccentric, creative, free thinking individual that everyone, even people you don't know, looks up to and admires if you'd just open up a little more and let your very rare, yet great personality shine through a bit more :)

p.s. keep taking pictures. They're fantastic.