

My name is sorrow.
Apr 26, 2011
I know it doesn't get a whole lotta love 'round here because it tends to be about as far from "true" as possible, mostly full of artfags with weird album titles and covers that look like they were done with watercolor paints, but fuck it. This is some of the best music I've heard in ages.

What are your standouts? Right now on special highlight for me:

Come Sleep - The Burden of Ballast ("Be the End" is monstrous)
Amenra - Mass III & IIII
*shels - Plains of the Purple Buffalo
Terra Tenebrosa - The Tunnels
Latitudes - The Agonist

I'm kinda ignoring the whole Neurosis/Cult of Luna/Isis trio because they're the obvious titans of the genre, and it seems like there are SCADS of hidden treasures in this particular little niche.

So c'mon, let's get 'er rolling.
If we're generally speaking of traditional "post", Russian Circles is a killer band.
The label tends to get slapped on bands that outgrow their respected genres. Which would be cause for a broader discussion.
Also a good point. "Post" seems to be used on almost any band that slows things down and kinda bridges out of a given genre, although there does seem to be a trend for "post" bands to particularly dip into certain subgenres: Doom, sludge, and black seem the most popular.

I will say I'm about to venture into Godspeed! You Black Emperor for the first time. I've kinda avoided them because that name pisses me off sooooooooo damn much.

EDIT: I was right. Apparently post-rock and post-metal are vastly different and GYBE is the former, and is also awful.
Sorry boss. If I was on I could have saved you the grief. And advised you its not worth the spin. The "indie" rock scene is more based on hype, reputation. Pitchfork told me Wold was a great listen but Nidingr's newest is an average spin.

Stay away from animal collective and vampire weekend when you feel adventurous.
I have never heard of any of the bands you listed so thanks for the listening homework.

GY!BE is NOT GOOD. But not all post-rock is that retarded.
LOL I kept seeing "Lift your Skinny Fists..." on all these year end lists calling it super heavy and shit so I decided to give it a go. I WAS LIED TO.
I'm not sure if Aluk Todolo falls under this, but its sort of a mixture of BM, ambient and noise. I'm really digging Occult Rock, from them really groovy/noisey stuff with some awesome BM riffs.
Other post rock acts to check out:
God is an Astronaut ( Easily my favorite)
Explosions In The Sky
Codes In The Clouds
If These Trees Could Talk
Joy Wants Eternity
Long Distance Calling
My Sleeping Karma - (A bit stonery, but definitely has some post-rock elements)

In addition to Amenra and Terra Tenebrosa for something harder id recommend:

Fall of Efrafa
Year Of No Light

They are fucking crushing.
God is An Astronaut is the one post rock band I really like. That is, unless we are counting Les Discrets, who are a mix of shoegaze, post rock... And for the lack of a better way to explain it, the dark feel of black metal.
Oh man, haarp is phenomenal. So heavy and punishing.

I'll second most of those mentioned thus far in the thread and add the following:

(Earlier) Irepress
Kayo Dot
KEN Mode
Native Daughters
The Atlas Moth (not sure if they Count)
Lightbearer (especially for fans of Fall of Efrafa)
Downfall of Gaia
Madam Germain

Local Favorites:
Ghosts of Glaciers
As in We

Good Post-rock:
Bark Psychosis
Gastr del Sol
(Later) Public Image Limited
The American Dollar
The Evpatoria Report
Red Sparowes
Gifts from Enola

Bands I would not recommend:
The Mire
(Later) Irepress
Struck by Lightning
Collapse Under the Empire