Post Mortem / Raining Blood Rate This Performance


Mongoloid Elitist
Jan 24, 2005
Long Island N.Y
This got lost in another thread it seems Computer room guitarists are popping all over You tube, This clip has Harvey Rabinowitz playing Post Mortem/Raining in Blood, I love when he rolls up his sleeves. Also, Harvey sell the guitar and get a bigger TV. My nephews fucking gameboy has a bigger screen.

I think he does a pretty good job, what do you guys think ? But WTF do I know I'm just a Momo from L.I.

YouTube - Slayer- Postmortem/Raining Blood
He can play them ok but looks like a bit of a gimp when he's trying to headbang and shit. Its funny just before Raining Blood starts and he's trying to psych up for it. Also, when your arms are the same thickness as your guitar neck it time to hit the gym.
The point of this post is to goof or not to goof. Like everything else on the Internet.

Best Regards,


I vote to goof. I hate all that self indulging bullshit. Everyone's looking for some form of praise. Ever read some of those responses? Some morons take it so seriously.:goggly:
Schenk then Goof it is ! I think you're heads on with the "look at me" I'm a unique snowflake analysis of most of these people on Youtube. I myself enjoy attention but as a buffoon only. I love making people laugh.

Best Regards,
