Post pictures to go with an album


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
OK, this works like follows: you post pictures approximating the image a particular album paints in your mind's eye.

Godflesh "Streetcleaner"





*insert childhood memories from living in the desert*

Too bad none of my desert pics are online, or at least I can't find them.
RED ALERT! RED ALERT! Someone on the board doesn't know and subsequently love Negura Bunget! :loco:
Haha! People've been telling me about them/that they're great for (what seems like) forever ... but ya know... there's always SOME band that you just never get around to. Don't worry, I'm downloading pretty much all their stuff now.
Demilich said:
These Negura Bunget fans make me think that I should check em out.
Funnily enough, this is probably the same reason I won't check 'em out :loco: that and the fact I have no reason to. It's always the way - people rant on about a band, and the barriers go up.

Some of these pics are soooooooo beautiful :cry: I don't even know how to work the pic thing proper yet...
