Post-Punk Influenced Heavy Metal


lil' rat
Dec 28, 2016
Chattanooga, TN
Lately I have been day dreaming of the combination of the sheer force and power of Heavy Metal with the bleak and artsy atmosphere of Post-Punk. The combination sounds absolutely perfect to me. So let's discuss - are there any bands you know of that blend the two?

So far, Killing Joke seems to be my prime example, but White Zombie had released an album before their major label Devils Music that blended the genres perfectly (as they were a noise rock/post punk band to begin with.)

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@Serjeant Grumbles a lot of those bands remind me of Swans in terms of its heavy bleak sound. I really dug The Gault the most out of those, really fucking heavy.

@CiG I'm gonna check out Deathsvn a lot more now. Definitely what I was looking for. That little slow passage in the second song got me going.

Also, brings me to an interesting discovery. Metallica probably wrote my favorite post punk inspired heavy metal track.

Check out what NWOBHM band Holocaust morphed into in the late 80s:

Prong is an obvious example too:

And while Voivod doesn't revel in their influences, they definitely have cited post-punk/hardcore like Killing Joke and Die Kreuzen as influences as well, if you don't already know them:

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(this specific album is fantastic)

(unfortunately you'll find nothing else on this album like it)

The Primordial track threw me off so hard. I knew they started to get into more doom/goth influenced heavy metal, but a track like this being super dance-y by a like them is super weird.

Onryo sounds super fucking weird though. Almost like static.
Check out what NWOBHM band Holocaust morphed into in the late 80s:

Prong is an obvious example too:

And while Voivod doesn't revel in their influences, they definitely have cited post-punk/hardcore like Killing Joke and Die Kreuzen as influences as well, if you don't already know them:

I love all three of these bands. Actually, I think one of your prior posts got me into Holocaust.

And that's interesting from Voivod, but it doesn't really surprise me. Their whole mechanical cold sound has that straight post-punk feel to it.