Post really cool high school memories ITT

Meh, I just started my junior year too :bah: But towards the end of last year I was basically given permission to leave about fifteen minutes into my first class to join a walkout and go downtown to a protest. Eventually we snuck into a private community pool and swam in the rain, twas nice.
I recall that the in the course of my freshman year, the Student Council had to hold several emergency elections when, for the freshman class, our president Bob Evans was arrested for stealing car stereos out of cars in the parking lot, Kenny Pheely the vice president, was brought up on charges of sexual assault, and Cameron Dow the senator was caught selling pot. And then, to top it off, Andy Rogers who was supposed to win for senator came to school drunk on after shave and tried to cut himself open during shop class. My senior year, the homecoming queen couldn't make it as she was in labour.
Necromunchkin said:
I recall that the in the course of my freshman year, the Student Council had to hold several emergency elections when, for the freshman class, our president Bob Evans was arrested for stealing car stereos out of cars in the parking lot, Kenny Pheely the vice president, was brought up on charges of sexual assault, and Cameron Dow the senator was caught selling pot. And then, to top it off, Andy Rogers who was supposed to win for senator came to school drunk on after shave and tried to cut himself open during shop class. My senior year, the homecoming queen couldn't make it as she was in labour.
Where the fuck did you go to high school, Hazzard County?
My highschool memories: I went to highschool in the morning then slept throug the classes and went home...
The third year was a little more exiting because I got to make out with my bf during the breaks... but the fourth year when he already graduated was boring as hell again...
I went to prom twice (my mistake)
Pyrus said:
I actually liked the last two years of high school quite a bit. I just wanted to post that one-liner cause the entire CONCEPT of high school is fucking bullshit.

Completely agree with you there.

Pyrus said:
At my senior prom, I jumped up on a table and sang along to "You Shook Me All Night Long." I was wearin a zoot suit complete with chain, fedora and cufflinks. That was pretty sweet.

Holy shit that totally wins.:kickass:
We had to swim in highschool for gym once sometimes twice a year. (we had a huge indoor pool) and out of 4 years I swam once. I would take the 0 and almost fail gym every year. Me and my buddy Matt would sit there and watch movies *cough*pr0n*cough* on his laptop (80 minute periods at the school) or just sit back and watch the whopping 2 girls in our class who werent really that good looking but oh well.

So the one time I went swimming, afterwards I was in the shower area just rinsing off the bromine and layer old people skin cells that is floating all over the pool. Now every does the same thing, you rinse off in your bathing suit so you get some of the shit off your bathing suit too so yoru locker doesnt completely reak of pool. So this one douche bag, in like freshman year whips out his dick and shakes it at me. So were all greezing him about his dick being small and we get like everyone in on it so he starts crying and instead of saying like "now everyone thinks I have a small dick" he says "now everyone KNOWS i gotta small dick" fucking classic
there was this kid who always wore really short shorts in gym class (otherwise known as nutt-huggers) and we called him "Thighs"

like "I don't want Thighs on my team, with all that milky-white goodness."
So in soph year, Bozarth was a freshman, and for some reason he sat at the lunch table with our class. Which is how I met him, and he used to bring his Warlock with him and this little tiny battery powered 2 inch amp and would play at lunch and everyone in my class was fucking with me since I played guitar too saying like "wow mike this guy is like 1000 times better than you" and it went on for like a week before this one kid who had ADHD would just keep saying it to me in biology class, he sat at the table behind me. so i turned around and jumped over his table and knocked him to the ground and punched him in the head.

The guy was also calling me a fat fuck for a couple months before this too so there was alot more too it.
Me and Bozarth were in Guitar club.... hey it was pretty fucking cool for a high school club, instead of chess or science club, we sat around and played guitar. Well they had an end of the year show kinda thing outside on one of the last days where we set up and anyone can just come up and play, and anyone around can come listen. So me and Will did Metallica's Fade to Black with no lyrics, I had an acoustic guitar and he had his warlock, huge GT6 pedal and like a 2x12 combo amp. So we play the song almost completely through and we didn’t like practice the whole song together or anything so he starts the solo but then busts into like the star spangled banner. And I’m like oh what the fuck now hes just showing off, and I had nothing to play along with it… so I just stood up and walked off the little stage setup and let him go. Everyone thought it was funny as hell that I just up and walked off.

Sorry will :( hahaha
Our one gym teacher mrs green was fucking crazy.. I mentioned this in another thread, we went out to the basketball hoops in the back of the parking lot, and this one redneck kid from the automotive class goes and gets his monte carlo and drives it up to the nets and sits in it with the doors open and radio on. So shes yelling at him for it and he manages to convince her to get in the car and do a burnout... I wish I was paying more attention to what was going on at the time, but i didnt.. i can beleive he pulled it off. It was funny as hell.

Then this one time she took us out to the ball fields and was like "OK I really dont have any plans for today so Ill let you guys pick what you want to do, I got a bag here with some equipment, some frisbees, some bats, baseballs, soccer balls, footballs so just give me some ideas" so there was 3 classes mixed together, our class which was finance and IT, the drama class, and a few kids from the automotive repair class. Our class wanted to play soccer, the drama class wanted to play frisbee, and one kid from the auto class wanted to play soccer (the other 3 didnt give a flying fuck) So we were all yelling to each other about what to play and it sounded like:
a ton of people yellibng between frisbee and soccer and just one guy yelling FOOTBALL with megaphone hands.

So the teacher SCREAMS and says "FINE DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!" and she walks away and goes back in the building...... so were standing there in shock for a fre minutes, then all 3 classes settle for playing Tag. She comes back out about 20 minutes later and seems completely calm.

Our other gym teacher, Mr Marshall was an older guy and was pretty cool... but one day I was in a really bad fucking mood and Gym was 1st period that year, so I was sleeping on my desk and he yelled at me to get up and the whole class was talking over him and i remember he said something that really pissed me off, so I say (under the confidence that he wont hear me over the whole class talking) "im gonna break your fucking head open" but just as i was saying it the whole class got quiet, so he heard it clear as day. and he confronted me infront of the class about it right there... but never did anythign about it, I think he was somewaht intimidated by me at that moment :lol: I felt bad so I was extra nice to him the rest of the year.
I'm currently a senior :( Not quite sure if I'll miss my school or if I'll even remember it when I'm gone. SOOOOOOoo much has happened in the pretty much 7 hours of socializing over the past 4 years that I wouldn't really know where to start.

Though this has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

The trash can bouncing off Cody's head, bouncing off the computer, rolling across the teachers desk, and ending up on the other side of the room was THE funniest moment ever.

When the teacher asked why there was a huge dent in the can Dan said he accidently tripped over it.

I recorded a couple other moments on my phone including one where we talked a "special" kid into making animal noises
(on here somewhere ) but of course the best times are never caught on film :)
I loved high school. You had to audition to get in to this school. I went to an art/music school. I've been playing piano since the tender age of 8 years old. I got to play piano 2 hours a day. I was in a jazz combo. It was alot of fun. My jazz instructor was an alcholic stoner who would come in messed up almost every day.

I got to be surrounded by creative people all 3 years ( I got to graduate a year before I was scheduled) My friends hated me at first but I had my own place and they were still in school so they realized the benefits. I had people ringing my doorbell every other day to skip at my house.!! hehe