Post really cool high school memories ITT

Mike said:
yeah i was there when stirk-off worked there. good times. I left when all the new gay people came.

Weazel, I could write a book with all the Donato's stories. Me and Matt wanted to write a script about Donatos.. but then Waiting came out so we thought it'd be gay to even attempt it.

hahaha we were SO that group from Waiting... minus the ball showing part... but we fit bitch tits in there.

dude... a Donatos script would pwn. man you should get bitch tits to come to the show on the 23rd... and have him wear his Donatos uniform. you know damn well he probably has it still hahahaha.
lordofthesewers said:
hell, i'm in spanish 2 myself and i;m a junior....:lol: now i feel stupid.
haha i dont know how i got into that class. the other honors class i have is geometry which is pretty good. today during my x period i was hanging around with some people talking about that metal documentary since they played it on VH1. plus i found out my homework over the weekend for english is to watch starwars. i got no idea how thats gona help build my vocab
Conquer All said:
haha i dont know how i got into that class. the other honors class i have is geometry which is pretty good. today during my x period i was hanging around with some people talking about that metal documentary since they played it on VH1. plus i found out my homework over the weekend for english is to watch starwars. i got no idea how thats gona help build my vocab
that is why i say freshmen year IS SO FUCKING EASY!!!!
i have chemistry, english, history, math homework and spanish dude tomorrow. i have to read 30 pages for chemistry and do 10 problems and answer 4 questions. and that is my daily workload for chemistry only. double that during the weekend! so enjoy your freshmen life!
...this isn't a "really cool" high school memory, but
the singer of Faster Pussycat and I were in the same ceramics class. His name then was Gus Mulvik and I used to give him shit about music and throw clay at him and I made a skull mug which ended up being a pencil holder.
lordofthesewers said:
that is why i say freshmen year IS SO FUCKING EASY!!!!
i have chemistry, english, history, math homework and spanish dude tomorrow. i have to read 30 pages for chemistry and do 10 problems and answer 4 questions. and that is my daily workload for chemistry only. double that during the weekend! so enjoy your freshmen life!
this is my fourth day of school so im going to be expecting a lot more to come soon
So, in my English class sophomore year, we had to read Beloved, and after we finished it, everyone had to make an art project relating to the book.

Unfortunately, I had a viral infection and was gone the entire week when they were due. But I've heard the story so many times, I figured I'd share it anyway.

There's this one pretentious fatassed bitch who transfered into my school (and when I say fatassed I'm not joking - it's huuuuuge), and her project was some letter or something with smeared bloodstains on it. Someone in my class jokingly asked, "Did you cut yourself to get that."


"Did you wipe a tampon on it?"

"Uh... yes."

What the fuck? How socially inept do you have to be to know that you DON'T DISPLAY YOUR VAGINAL BLOOD IN PUBLIC? ewjgoajeigejwioagjiowjaigjeiwgjwo

I'm pretty glad I wasn't there, actually. I wonder if they could smell it. :zombie:
I went to 2 different high schools, both were completely different...

The first one I went to, Overbrook High School in Philly. To give you an idea of what this school was like, I was one of the few white people there (like maybe 150 outta the 2500 kids in the school), teachers carried concealed weapons, and the people were fucking stupid. And I mean fucking stupid... I believe that on the state reading test, the school average was around 12%, where as the state average was around 65%

Not much interesting happened there, since the school was essentially one big lockdown for 8 hours of the day. Occasionally a huge fight would break out that would take a nice group of cops to finally break up...

Then I moved to Utah.

Grantsville High School. A school with about 600 people located right next to a mormon church. The church was actually bigger then the school.

When I first arrived at the school towards the end of my sophmore year, I was wearing a thrash metal shirt (I believe it was a Death Angel shirt) and some ripped up faded camo shorts, with some of those mittens with the fingers cut off on my hands and a wallet chain...

As I was saying though, first day of school during lunch, the Vice Principal comes up to me (I was sitting in the hall... alone) and says (and I'll remember this for the rest of my life): "I love the way you express yourself in such, clothing, but at our school we like to maintain a certain dress code. We prefer our students to be well groomed and to dress according to a standard..."

In the suspension report, what I said was described as "colorful language."

The rest of the time I was in HS I spent studying the habits of the mormon. Every day they'd go to the church for a Seminary class in place of say, a regular class, to study their bible. Of course, when I went into the scheduling office to say I wanted a seminary period to study my religious practice of beating the meat, or study, religiously, the writings of Timothy Leary, or something like that, I was refused. Alternate religions don't go well around here...

Never really had any friends in HS around here either. If you weren't a preppy little mormon or a football lineman, you weren't welcome. You'd get picked at for stuff like having a pentagram on your shirt, in which I would counter their arguement with citing the several people who would be wearing shirts advertising (yes, advertising) mormonism. Of course, those are fine, but pentagrams, inverse crosses, or the star of david are not welcome.

And then came a set of days so very fateful... Where one day I was given a 25 dollar fine for wearing a wallet chain, cause of course, I was going to choke someone with it. Then later that week, the day I got off that suspension, a kid (big football lineman douchecunt) named Collin or something like that (mighta been Callin) decided, while I was walking to my class with headphones on, to get in my face and start screaming incoherent bullshit about metal and stuff, and then knocked my headphones off my head...

I beat him with a locker door, to keep the story short... got expelled from the school system for it... which would of been just a 1 month suspension had it not been for all my unpaid dresscode fines and previous fighting suspensions.

And thats pretty much all of my HS memories.
Kvlt Wench said:
So, in my English class sophomore year, we had to read Beloved, and after we finished it, everyone had to make an art project relating to the book.

Unfortunately, I had a viral infection and was gone the entire week when they were due. But I've heard the story so many times, I figured I'd share it anyway.

There's this one pretentious fatassed bitch who transfered into my school (and when I say fatassed I'm not joking - it's huuuuuge), and her project was some letter or something with smeared bloodstains on it. Someone in my class jokingly asked, "Did you cut yourself to get that."


"Did you wipe a tampon on it?"

"Uh... yes."

What the fuck? How socially inept do you have to be to know that you DON'T DISPLAY YOUR VAGINAL BLOOD IN PUBLIC? ewjgoajeigejwioagjiowjaigjeiwgjwo

I'm pretty glad I wasn't there, actually. I wonder if they could smell it. :zombie:
thats disgusting! :ill:
Ok... We never had anithing as displaying vaginal blood!!! :puke:

I was in a class with 10 chicks and 22 guys and like most of the guys were really immature. Once one guythought it was a great idea to jump in the doorway... he ended in ER. Once they were doing some barbecue in the back of the classroom during the math test
i remember when i was a freshman, some bitch was giving me shit on the bus so i kicked her square in the bewbs...i won respect from alot of people that day....
I dont know about anyone else's high schools, but the theatre department in mine was a boiling pool of sin. I got drunk countless times in the sound booth. Had sex in the prop/costume room on several different occasions, once while a play was going on. I saw some kids smoking fucking crack in the rafters on one occasion. I can remember just opening the back door during 6th period and laying on the hill out back smoking joints. In my freshman year my friend severed his hand using a compound miter saw, that was pretty gruesome. He didnt even make a noise, just picked his fucking hand up, wrapped it in paper towels, and threw it into the freezer while we called the paramedics. Lots of little things I guess, nothing spectacular.
SirDidymus127 said:
hahaha we were SO that group from Waiting... minus the ball showing part... but we fit bitch tits in there.

dude... a Donatos script would pwn. man you should get bitch tits to come to the show on the 23rd... and have him wear his Donatos uniform. you know damn well he probably has it still hahahaha.

if i have mine still, ill wear it on stage, aprin and all
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I dont know about anyone else's high schools, but the theatre department in mine was a boiling pool of sin. I got drunk countless times in the sound booth. Had sex in the prop/costume room on several different occasions, once while a play was going on. I saw some kids smoking fucking crack in the rafters on one occasion. I can remember just opening the back door during 6th period and laying on the hill out back smoking joints. In my freshman year my friend severed his hand using a compound miter saw, that was pretty gruesome. He didnt even make a noise, just picked his fucking hand up, wrapped it in paper towels, and threw it into the freezer while we called the paramedics. Lots of little things I guess, nothing spectacular.

holy shit dude..... :worship: