Post some of your oooold recordings :)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I figured we could use a thread to sort of kick back with a smirk on our faces and look over our respective recording histories.

Why not post a recording of when you were still new to the art of engineering, and we can all see where we were at and how far we've come.

Here's one of mine... I think it's the first recording I did after coming to this forum and I learned about the wonders of double-tracking guitar (*gasp!*). I think the drum track always just remained a scratch track, as I never put velocities or anything into it. Haha, anyway good for a laugh:
Same result for me too...

Here's my first ever band recording I did years and years ago. I had no clue what I was doing and listening now I always have a grin about it.

Some Dimmu

That's Just me trying to work out recording guitars. Not my backing track.

I'll post a full song that I mixed including, keys, strings, flutes, aswell as the standard insturments if you guys promise not to laugh
the first recording i ever did with a real drumkit etc was this first song on the page.

i used 58's for overheads!
3 guitar players, 5150 was the amp. uhhh i let the singer record his own vocals at home because i was indisposed that day. yea it was a chaotic recording. but the recordings were released a split in europe with an austrian band.
Oh man, I have some real treasures I can post when I get home.

I even did a two song demo on my Akai 4-Track for Visionary, who later became Reading Zero.
Shit sometimes I go waaaay back and listen to different recordings I've made and some are hilarious attempts of doing solos and making everything sound good... Anyway here are some jewels:
This is my finalexamproject on SAE Audio Engineering academy 2002. It's a recording of a jazztrio, sounds a little amateurish but it made me fall in love
in MD421 that I used on the saxophone... Just listen to the saxsound and ignore the rest. All recorded live and in first take. ;)
I hooked up with a drummer for a couple of hours and jammed up this death/slipknot-song. 2003 I believe(not to long ago)
I remembered I wanted to redo the Steve Vai Bad Horsie song with the same sound. So here is my attempt. A couple of years ago.
And this one is like 7-9 years old.. When I was in my cheesysolo period :) Done with an early version of cakewalk I believe.
This was my first "official" recording back in 1997

It is a Napalm Death cover version that I did with my band for a official Napalm Death competition in 1997.
Who won the competition had the cover version released on the Breed to Breath EP. We didn't win :)

It was recorded with Cakewalk 4 or 5 if I remember well. And the drums were replaced with samples 1 by 1 :yow:
No soundreplacer, drumagog or even tab to transient in 1997 :lol:

Done on a Yamaha MT-3X four track. AKG D112 on the bass cab, SM57s on snare, kicks, and guitar... and as overheads, probably.

Recorded "live inthe studio" without tracking monitoring. I just guessed at EQ settings and set the levels by color of the LED displays. Guitar on one track, bass guitar on another, all drum mics onto another track, leaving one open track for bouncing or overdubbed vocals. All mixing effects were my DOD pedalboard :zombie:

But I did remix these (on the same four-track) and added some EQ and compression, except for the "Intro/Triplet" one, cuz I lost the master tape :oops:

And we were really drunk. It was the drummer's first time drinking :kickass:
thought this was a good place to jump in, heres a recording by me in 1997 done on PC, pasting the notes from my website....

This is the very first track I recorded on a PC, I believe it was done at some time during 1997.
Previously I had been using a portastudio and a Roland TR-505 Drum Machine, there was also a brief period where I would use drums sequenced in scream tracker along with my portastudio.
This track came about only because I bought ans SW60xg soundcard, I had no intention of recording digital audio to the PC when I purchased the card as it is a midi card only (essentially the standalone version of the DB50xg daughterboard.
However the card came with some software, including a beta version of Voyetras Digital Orchestrator, which at the time seemed to be one of the first non hardware dependant Digital Audio Sequncers.
I cant remember how long it took me, but it was a frustrating process, for example, my soundcard, a soundblaster 16 I believe, was at the time incapable of doing full duplex audio at 44.1 khz, so the guitars on this track are actually recorded at 22khz.
The other vital ingredient was a small device called a Korg Pandora, Korgs previous guitar products had been horrible, but the new walkman sized Pandora was somewhat of a revolution, it predated things like the line6 Pod by 5 years, and I thought it was great.

My guitar on this is I believe, a BC Rich Ironbird, a cheap one, Platinum or Bronze series, It was the guitar I used for gigging at the time, it was badly beaten up, but always stayed in tuned. I also think this is the only track in which I have down tuned guitars, again this is due to me being in a metal band at the time.
The drums and synths all come from the SW60xg, and listening today, I think they are quite good still.
Back at the time, there was no audio mixdown or bounce feature in sequencers, so to mix this down I think I used a minidisc recorder, and years later sampled it back into my PC, it sounds like theres tape hiss on it but I suspect thats the Soundblaster hiss.

The track itself, I still like it a lot, the guitar solos are sort of groovy, especially the last one, and I think I did a good job on programming the drums given the experience I had, at the time I was able to sort of fake playing real drums, and I think that helps a lot in programming, its something else I should have kept up.
You may notice a strange pause at 3:48, I had to write that into the track, Digital Orchestrator would lose synch after the slow bit, so I actually would stop and restart the sequencer right at that point to resynch it up.