Post the last 10 songs you listened to

Erik said:
Iron Maiden - Judas Be My Guide

Funny, I'm a big Maiden fan and I don't even know what album that's on... Fear of the Dark? One of the other crappy ones?
fear of the dark. AND it's one of their all time classic songs, easily on par with almost any shorter track on the first seven. seriously fear of the dark would be awesome as a 5 song ep or so.
"Afraid to Shoot Strangers" is fuckin awesome, so is the title track. Ummmm.... that's all I can really say 'bout that.
"judas be my guide" is better than both. the other truly good songs on the album, besides the ones you mentioned, are "wasting love" and "be quick or be dead".
On topic:

Summon - "Eve of Anticreation"
Human Fortress - "Defender of the Crown"
Amorphis - "Perkele "The God of Fire"
Megadeth - "Set the World Afire"
Ulvhedin - "Pagan Manifest"
Blind Guardian - "Lord of the Rings"
Thronar - "Where Sword, Axe and Bow Strike Together"
Arallu - "Kill Kill Kill"
Running Wild - "The Guardian"
Judas Priest - "Some Heads Are Gonna Roll"

Sunn O))) - Sin Nanna
Sunn O))) - It Took the Night to Believe
Sunn O))) - Cursed Realms (of the Winterdemons)
Tool - The Grudge
Tool - Eon Blue Apocalypse
Tool - The Patient
Tool - Mantra
Tool - Schism
Tool - Parabol
Tool - Parabola
MadeInNewJersey said:
well that's why I started this thread..

We have a "last album listened to" thread, and now a "last 10 songs on shuffle listened to" thread.

I hate you. :lol:
MadeInNewJersey said:
see above

and this being the interweb and all, you're not forced to post, eh?

Seeing how it's teh intarweb, I CAN post regardless. :loco:

I hereby protest this thread to be uberghey and SUPERFLUOUS! (redundant was the wrong choice of wording, but I digress.)