My parents know I've been struggling the past few months, so they totally over spoiled me this Christmas.
Nikon 70-300mm ED VR lens for my Camera
Money for gas
Giant Blanket
bunch of necessities I've been unable to buy
Straight Edge razor, soap & brush (I have always had a real problem with razor burn and skin irritation with ANY shaver I've tried, including the mach 3, proglide, etc.)
Food GC's
warm clothes and socks (my place has no heat, haven't been able to pay for it)
Really nice bottle of ice wine from Inniskillin. <3
I am unbelievably thankful.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
* How to Train Your Dragon DVD
* Toy Story 3 DVD
* A pair of professional roller-derby skates I picked and customized
* awesome Candles
* Bath and Body Works gift Card
* My fav restaurant in Arlington, Faccia Luna gift card
* Lucky Brand Jeans Jacket
* Disneyland tickets
* scarf from Tailand
* Awesome sweatshirt / testamt shirt/ hoody/ Testament beanie hat
* wine wine wine
7 thousand bucks and a 25 dollar gift card to barnes and noble