Post Your cd Haul 2005?

Avenger - Blood Sports
Hades - Resisting Success/If At First You Don't Succeed
Lucifugum - Stigma Egoism
Mortal Decay - A Gathering Of Human Artifacts
Mortem - Decomposed By Possession
Sabbat - Karmagmassacre
Aura Noir - Black Thrash Attack
Avenger of Blood - Complete Annihilation
Cutthroat - Anal Electrocution 7"
Farscape - Demon's Massacre
Fastkill - Infernal Thrashing Holocaust
Manilla Road - Open the Gates
Metalucifer- Heavy Metal Hunter
Postmortom - Demo
Wehrmacht - Biermacht
Winterthrall - Demo
Gallantry over Docility said:
Oi, I asked you a question!

Didn't notice...

Avenger would be the old UK NWOBHM band, and Blood Sports is relatively competent at fitting into that crowd. If you like NWOBHM, you're likely to like this (but I don't imagine you're much of a fan).

Hades is a melodic Power/Thrash band, with the singer that did the vocals on the second Watchtower album. These two albums are the only ones worth getting, btw.

Lucifugum, on this particular album, has a bit of a thrashier attitude to their Black Metal. This band doesn't seem to really follow any patterns from album to album, but I enjoy it.

Mortal Decay probably sucks nowadays, as I notice they're signed to Unique Leader now, but this is a collection of their demos. I haven't really given it a fair listen yet, but I did notice that it's not quite standard for a Death Metal album.

Mortem is actually pretty good, reminding of the earlier days of Death Metal. Hell, even SRP likes them lolz and such.

Sabbat bloody fucking rules. If you like Thrash Metal at all, you like this.

Furthermore, I suck at describing music.
Yes, you're absolutely terrible. Thanks though. :) Mortal Decay are still a good band btw, they're a bit of an anomaly in the Unique Leader catalogue. Also, I like some NWOBHM, i.e. Angel Witch and Holocaust. I'm thinking of checking out Mortem.
Dodens Grav said:
Mortem is actually pretty good, reminding of the earlier days of Death Metal. Hell, even SRP likes them lolz and such.

Their new album De Natura Daemonum is fucking awesome. I didn't really like the production on Decompossed By Possession as much as their other albums. It feels a lot more stale. So if you wanna start anywhere/continue with them, go with Demon Tales or my favorite album from them The Devil Speaks In Tongues. Or just buy their new one when it trickles out and becomes more available.
GoD said:
Mortal Decay are still a good band btw, they're a bit of an anomaly in the Unique Leader catalogue.

Got that right! Totally random band. But then again, UL also has Odious Sanction and Psycroptic, who are also really not like what UL normally stocks. Mortal DK's Forensic is totally wacky fucking technical/proggy/mindfuck death metal.