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Aug 30, 2001
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November 9: KISW Presents Alter Bridge at Showbox SoDo
With Another Animal. Tickets are only $12.99 and are on sale now at Ticketmaster. Make sure to ask the Wrecking Crew how you can score the new Seether CD "Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces", courtesy of Wind Up Records.
November 10: KISW at Napa Auto Parts
Join the KISW Wrecking Crew on Saturday November 10 at Napa Auto Parts, 2610 SE Mile Hill Drive in Port Orchard, from 4-6 PM. They will be giving away CSI Miami: The Fifth Season on DVD as well as killer KISW swag!
November 10: Louis CK at The Moore
With Special Guest Todd Berry. Tickets are $29.50 and available through Ticketmaster, Live Nation, HOB or charge by phone (206) 628-0888. Make sure to check with the Wrecking Crew to see how you can score tickets to see Dane Cook on November 29! Also, make sure to ask about how you can score Borat, "Touristic Guidings to Minor Nation of U.S. and A"- hillerious guide of travel advice!
November 12: Hawks VS 49ers at Qwest Field
Join Rock Girls Miranda and Denea on Monday November 12 at Qwest Field to watch your very own Seattle Seahawks take on San Francisco 49ers! Game starts at 5:30 PM. Check in with the Wrecking Crew and see how you can score a limited edition KISW RockHawk shirt as well as tickets to see Dane Cook perform live on November 29!
* Four of the jobs I have had in my life:
1. Editor/Graphic Designer for Advertising
2. Running Camera for the Rangers and Cowboys
3. Print Designer for magazines
4. Sales associate at Oshman's Sporting Goods... i so miss the discounts on my athletic clothes :(

* Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Bull Durham
2. Princess Bride
3. The Big Lebowski
4. Happy Feet

* Four Places I've lived:
1. Dallas
2. Arlington
3. Henderson
4. Barn :)

* Four TV shows I watch:
1. My Name is Earl
2. The Office
3. Weeds
4. Dexter

* Four favorite books:
1. Everyone poops
2. The Hobbit
3. The Shining
4. Gone With the Wind

* Places I've been:
1. Bahamas
2. Cozumel
3. Las Vegas
4. New York

* People who e-mail me regularly:
1. Dave
2. Mom
3. Sis
4. Jenny

* My favorite foods:
1. Hamburgers/Steaks
2. Sushi
3. Ice Cream
4. Strawberries

* Four places I would like to be right now:
1. With my new puppy!
2. Jamaica
3. Camping
4. Gym

* Four bands/singers I really like:(lately)
1. Timeline Post
2. Brad Paisley
3. Mike Patton
4. Ingrid Michaelson

* Four friends I think will respond:
1. Jamie.. b/c she is the shit!
2. Mike.. b/c he rocks!!!
3. Eli... b/c he is my little pumpkin pie
4. Darby.. b/c she is burning 300 dvds and is bored out of her mind!

(not mine, obviously)