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oh yes, the scotch commercial from scotland. Where an aussie rugby team does some hardcore tribal dance.. all imposing right. The scottish rugby team watching just lifts their kilts. classic.

Wheres a place to upload videos?
I was trying to cheer up a chick friend of mien in Ireland (she had a shite day) so i was sending her all sorts of hilarious shit (I have like a 3 gig "COMEDY" folder). I sent her that and told her, the day she could do that I'd be on a plane to ireland. lol, that video had her in stitches, so did the scotch commercial.
my favorite ad is by VW, the one for the Passat (2003 model i believe) where the dude is chasing after a wedding to stop. i'm a big fag for love, fuck off. :loco:

also, Toyota had some good ones for the new Tacoma last year, those Adrenalitis ones. very goofy, very fun.

i think the ads are the best thing on television, outside of Arrested Development. i mean, compare one Superbowl ad from E-trade to the entire fucking wasted years of shite like Friends and Everybody Sucks Off Raymond, and tell me which took more thought and effort.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:

hey didn't the ad group that did the exploding VW get in trouble for that? i remember some controversy surrounding it a year or two ago.

OHHHHH shit i just remembed the BEST ADS EVAR but don't remember where to find them. they had a Kellogg's commercial where it showed some bum standing there just acting weird and the monologue was "this is kevin. kevin will eat his shoe and some glue today. kevin is insane. if kevin wasn't insane, he'd eat Kellogg's Frosted Sugar Bombs instead."

also they did a Starbucks commercial, 4 hippie dudes driving around in a VW bus in Frisco, and they starting yawning. after about a minute they were all yawning so much it created this horrendous noise, then *SNIP* they are all merrily driving along with 4 cups o' Starbugs in their mits.

comedy gold on both accounts, i wish i could remember who did them.