The craziest music video ever

Ben_t said:
Doubt it...I saw it somewhere with another title though (Braindead). But I might have been mistaken.

I watched it back in the 80's or 90's. rented it in the video store.. it was so stupid that it was funny...
Christie_fell said:
Excellent video. It's like going to see Gwar.

I liked the spawn-of-chucky type of baby zombie creature that was like, laughing at all of this. High five.

gwar is a crazy fucking band live, i would like to see them sometime
Vital Remains said:
gwar is a crazy fucking band live, i would like to see them sometime

When my boyfriend went to see them, he got drenched in fake blood (of course). Absolutely all over his clothes. So he decided to not change or shower for school the next day and went covered in dried fake blood, that actually turned really pink and he looked like he had some disease.

About the Danzig video--- It is really disturbing, I can't watch it. The song for it is "It's Coming Down". There's also a part where a hemaphrodite is jerking off...That was something I never thought I'd see. But the guy actually putting a nail through his dick is the most disgusting.