When I get a mic that works I will record some bass shiz for yall to check out....probly get around to recording it sometime this weekend if my Dad still has his mic.
There is my two first cover of this great band!
i make the drum map and record the bass and guitars tracks, then i film me with a camera, and i mix them with Sony Vegas! (read the description for more informations)
I hope you like it! if you do, please suscribe!
The first one is an old one, not the best mic and interface audio for recording. This is the Fate of norns cover.
The second is the Guardians of Asgaard cover, uploaded one week ago, better mics, better quality.
All AA is in B standard (B E A D Fsharp B) except for a couple songs such as Guardians of Asgaard or No Fear for the Setting Sun which are in Drop A (same as B, but with the low B down a step)
Not actually a cover, but this being a musical thread here's a project I'm currently bassist for...we're still sorting out members and figuring out what musical direction everyone would be happy with, so some of the tunes might get scrapped eventually.