Post your halloween costumes!!!

I had to work on Halloween but I still got to dress up - as a punk!!! :rock:

Here is me and my workmate Andrew, as a pirate

Me, Sarah as a cheerleader and the other Jenna as a fairy

The whole motley crew - Sarah, Me, Andrew, Jenna and Christelle

Being a punk was fun but I can't believe people used to dress like that all the time!!!! My hair couldn't hack it!!! :loco:
Well I would post some if I had any; that is… it’s true though, the Brits are responsible for Halloween… but I didn’t see any pumpkins in those photos. Do Brits carve pumpkins?

Yea and either all the girs are really tall… or that guy is really short…
RoboCaster said:
Well I would post some if I had any; that is… it’s true though, the Brits are responsible for Halloween… but I didn’t see any pumpkins in those photos. Do Brits carve pumpkins?

Yea and either all the girs are really tall… or that guy is really short…

The Irish actually!! :loco:

We did have a couple of pumpkins carved - we used to carve turnips when I was young. Pumpkins are your lot's thing!! Hehe!!

Both!! Me and Jenna (the fairy) are both about 6ft and Andrew is pretty short.
Yea the Brits, sorry the Irish believe that Jack carried a burning ember in a carved out turnip so he could used it as a lantern to see his way around in the void of eternal darkness. Then Americans found pumpkins and ditched the turnips…
Next year, when I go to a Halloween party, I will get the $5.00 scrubs at Costco and put on my stethoscopes then go as a surgeon. Then I won't have to worry about if the cops will shoot me… you know? Oh yea, that and also because its a really simple costume, easy to get into.