Post your "In The Studio" vids!

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
The bassplayer sent me a new cut of the video from when we recorded the last Cadaverize demo, and I thought since these videos pop up on here from time to time, let's share! We all know things get a bit weird when a group of people are locked in together for days/weeks so let the madness ensue! :lol:

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@ Hez: Hah, yeah it was! I know, that shit makes my stomach turn even knowing that it's all fake.

Contra during tracking = Keeping your sanity :lol: And thanks for the kind words guys, we'll be recording our next demo during the summer and we have plans to do a much more involved video during the recording. "Like" our FB page, and stay tuned! :headbang:

Joel: Kickass video! I like how the cymbals are like 2 meters of the ground, was that your idea? :D
Holy shit nwright that song in the drum clip fucking slayed! :headbang: Also be careful with that Jäger, too many sessions have gone down the shitter with that stuff around! :lol:
Holy shit nwright that song in the drum clip fucking slayed! :headbang: Also be careful with that Jäger, too many sessions have gone down the shitter with that stuff around! :lol:

Jager is my weakness...I'm not in the vids much (I'm the fatass recording the stuff in these clips if you see me), so it's good for me. That night of vocal tracking was hilarious, but we didn't get much of the end of the night on tape...we were beyond holding a cam by that point!
Yeeah, I love me some Jäger myself. I don't drink these days though, since I'm focusing on my workouts but I'll probably down a shot or two of the good stuff during the summer!