post your pan settings!

I believe your last quite is actually meant serious! I've read that in another interview as well and if you look at the pictures he's really got an ass full of gear! :OMG:

What really surprised me was that he only uses 44 tracks for each song he mixes. E.g. he comped down the toms to a stereo file. :zombie:
I'm getting confused about all these Pan settings, my mixes still don't have that pro sheen. Could you guys also post your Volume settings for each track as well, especially palm muted guitars. Thanks in advance!
Some of the dudes over at GEARSLUTZ were modifying their fader positions and claiming that it increasted headroom while making drums sound fatter. But, in EQ magazine a while back they did a whole shootout and factory default faders actually sounded better in a double-blind test. I'm not gonna mess with them, too much trouble.
another good point is that speakers sound best in their original packaging.

Not only is there resale value dropped but sound quality deteriorates with every millivolt going through the voicecoil. Best just leave them in the box, at the store.
In the old days they didn't even have pan faders, now that was weird.
records with only drums to one side, guitars and vocals to the other..