post your pic.....

Amidst black friday shopping yesterday, i decided to try out a new look at Target, results as followed:


I think i pull it off very well haha, the hat scarf and vest are not part of my normal attire.

Find me a pot of gold, matey, and of to the land of green we go!
if you look closely you can see an old-logo katatonia light up sign on my rig.

Yes it's a bootleg and yes I bought one before Katatonia sicced their lawyers on the company and yes I will continue to proudly use it until Katatonia releases their official version of one.
Out drinking a few nights ago and i had a a beanie on and a friend of mine called me "Mini Garm" on account of the beard and garm always wearing skull caps. I KIND of think its true, its more funny than anything but i like it :P. Picture when i get a chance.