Post your PPUSA13 Stuff Score / What the heck is this?


Cotton Candy Collector
Mar 31, 2009
Raleigh, NC
Post your swag finds/help me solve a mystery!
Us "Rail Rats" or "Pit Monkeys" tend to catch lots of things that are thrown by the bands. Pictured below is my score for this last year.


1. Mindcage picks (that one was a gimme)
2. Wolf Pick (black)
3. Sabaton Pick (blue)
4. Soilwork Pick (red, I think)
5. Xandria drumstick
6. Myrath drumstick
7. Infamous Circus Maximus annhililated keyboard keys
8. Mysterious black thing ????

I was wondering if anybody had any clue what this black thing is. I found it after the Sabaton show right up at the rail, so it could be somebody's butt piercing for all I know; just hoping its something band/music related. It has a rubbery grippy texture on the outside, and it is hollow. At first I thought it was a knob, but it has no threads on it.

Any ideas? Here's another picture.


Thanks for looking and I'd like to see other people's swag hauls! I never get stuff signed normally because I'm trying to keep my spot up front the entire time, so it would be cool to see some of that stuff.
For anyone interested (which, judging by the responses is no one) I figured out what the mysterious black object was.
While browsing Imgur I found a post that pointed me in the right direction

In the thread people confirm it is the end of a cigar punch.

So, there, mystery solved!

Now, the question is, does anybody know if any of the bands smoked cigars?? I'm still holding out hope the keychain is from a band. At least I know it's not something gross.

Still waiting for some more pictures of your stuff from the fest....