i thought the picture of oz looked a bit devin townsend!
My forehead ain't THAT big!
grief oz??
he should be given praise!
i thought the picture of oz looked a bit devin townsend!
yeah, burn and contrast....I love photoshop but I can't seem to get it working on my Vista OS.
Ever get any grief for the "Rebel Alliance" sticker?
Alright. I'm fucking stupid. How do you post pictures on this shit?
(I know I'm living up to the Nebraska stereotype, but bear with me. I don't don't know shit about computers!)
I'm a complete Star Wars geek, always have been since I saw the first movie.
i fucking love it
and trek the next generation too.
books, comics, models, the lot.
god im a dork.
i have a darth tater, artoo potatoo and spud trooper on my monitors too! lol