Post yourself.


Ever get any grief for the "Rebel Alliance" sticker?
grief oz??
he should be given praise!
i thought the picture of oz looked a bit devin townsend!
Ever get any grief for the "Rebel Alliance" sticker?

Haha, not really. Our bass player kinda makes fun of it, but he didn't even know what it meant until I told him. And our drummer gave me a hard time when he first saw it. He kept calling me "rebel scum" :lol:

The guit has since been named the "Rebel Scum Viper".

I'm a complete Star Wars geek, always have been since I saw the first movie. I was 1 and my mom said I sat in the theater completely still and watched the whole thing. What's even odder is that my earliest memory is of the scene where Leia is in the holding cell and Darth Vader is in there with the little droid with the syringe trying to get the stolen plans from her. I was 1!

Sometimes you gotta be "wrong" in the eyes of the establishment (Empire) to do what's right (RA)...Haha, maybe I read too much into it, but Star Wars is like my way of life...

Anyway, let's talk about REAL space cadets... Those Star Trek geeks geeks...:goggly: :blush:
i fucking love it
and trek the next generation too.
books, comics, models, the lot.
god im a dork.
i have a darth tater, artoo potatoo and spud trooper on my monitors too! lol