Well, I agree it is indeed very nice and a poster to put on the back of your door would be great - if you were a teenager and still into putting posters up in your bedroom!! and just a note, Paxoman - no, I don't think you should get one for your flat!!!
Forget the Bedroom..
you should see my workroom, all the walls are covered in posters from RAW (When it was cool) and Kerrang! and a few signed posters obtained from the Marquee (read rippped off the wall - like Doro, Manowar, Aerosmith,almighty etc etc etc..) plus a few proper Record industry type press posters and promotional pieces (yes i am still the proud owner of that Phantom Blue - phwoarrr!- promotional piccy that i won ages ago.) Plus a hell of a lot of Saxon stuff.. all that is needed is afew autograpths on the wall and the place would be worth a fortune.
besdies who needs to be a teenager to still have fun like this!?
I want a poster to add to all the others.
i want one, i want one , i want one.....waaaa!!!!!
tee hee <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/embarassed.gif ALT=""> )
I have already replied to this before but it has mysteriously disappeared! In fact, I had about 6 threads go AWOL! I dare say it has to do with the switch over.
Forget putting the poster in my bedroom, it is going in my living room!! :lol
I was thinking about going to Primal Fear myself. I haven't heard anything by them though. What kind of music do they play? I've heard it is a bit Judas Priestish, is that right?
No posters Im afraid but have just posted some vintage Kerrangs and a mint Strongarm Tour programme on the trading section. Offers invited!
Scary Andy
BTW One of our housemates at college used to have a life size poster of Maria Whitaker pinned to the ceiling right above his bed . . . could never work out why!