Posting From China

let's flood this thread with messages that ensure that the chinese internet police don't let it through and maybe even arrest nathan!

tiananmen square 4eva. chinese communism is crypto-capitalism. free tibet. rights for farmers, down with technocrats!

ni hao ma chinese internet police!
I'm still a free man so you must not be doing a good enough job.

Things I've eaten: Jellyfish, pigeon, turtle, lotus root, duck feet, squid, octopus, various organs of many animals, and corn wine (creamed corn in a glass). The crab costs $20 per crab and there small but apparently they're in season. Very expensive. College grad engineers make $500 a month and that's decent money.

There's also some weird ass street instrument that sounds like a flute but it's really a string instrument. Some street musician was playing it. I gave him 2 yaun (7 yaun (I think that's how it's spelled) to a dollar so I guess I'm still cheap).

Also, the women over here are all amazingly gorgeous (if you like asian women, which I do). There's no such thing as overweight. It must be the rice because they seem to eat more than I do.

If you are planning a trip oversees, screw Europe. Go to China. It's fucking amazing. Best experience of my life and my company is paying for it.
BTW, made it back. Didn't get arrested. They also let me through customs with an open bottle of wine. I was a little suprised at that.

Now my sleep is whacked. Woke up at 2am last night and didn't get back to sleep. I'm feeling very weird right now.