Posting from my new desk!


Dec 17, 2011
Richmond, VA
It was quite a hassle to put together (unlike what my friends at Guitar Center had told me) Let me know what you think!



*Yes I know my monitors are different sizes, I've had the one for ages and once I decided to get a second one, they no longer made my model. So I had to get the new model which was just a bit bigger; although I set the resolutions to be the same so it's a lot easier to mix with haha!
*I know I don't have any sound absorption, bass traps, etc. I've learned to mix without it (and after all, Joey did say that he's never had any himself!)
looks quite good, but one thing I'm wondering is: Are you really sitting in the sweetspot? Since the monitors seem to be quite far away from each other..

They're actually not that far apart from each other (I noticed the picture made everything look a lot bigger than it actually is) I measured the distanced from both walls and from each other and they're pointing at a 60 degree angle towards me!

Sweet, but the table should be a little bit wider imo, not much space for coffee and shit you need in a long mixing session ;) Whats that audio interface? Is one of the rack interfaces this: ?

Yeah they make a bigger one with more rack space, but I didn't really feel the need for it yet:p The interface is a Tascam US-1800, picked it up for next to nothing one day and it hasn't failed me yet! And yup the other one is a studio channel, and then an Alesis Trigger io!