Poulin Hybrit / Metal Machine / Hard rock

Sounds good, but the drums sound very sampled...don't know if that's what you're going for but maybe vary up the snare velocity a little? If this was extreme metal I wouldn't say that :lol:
Sounds good, but the drums sound very sampled...don't know if that's what you're going for but maybe vary up the snare velocity a little? If this was extreme metal I wouldn't say that :lol:

drums are Toontrack's "Metal Machine". I play an e-kit and use those samples. Velocity on the snare is varied by Superior, but maybe since this is EZX it doesn't. i'll have to check.

not sure what your comment about 'extreme metal' means. no where in my post does it say this is extreme metal. in fact, it says "hard rock" in the title.
very nice man! i really like the intro vocals. definitely fits the mix. but for some reason, the main vocal track seems a bit of balls, and the chorus lacks a little excitement. maybe bring up the vocals a bit and blend tight overdubs to get them a little thicker. but it really is a good mix. good job!
not sure what your comment about 'extreme metal' means. no where in my post does it say this is extreme metal. in fact, it says "hard rock" in the title.

I meant that if if the music was extreme metal the drums would sound fine as they are, but with hard rock the fact that they sound sampled is a bit out of character since alot of rock drum sounds are very roomy and natural sounding. :) Still sounds good though.
I meant that if if the music was extreme metal the drums would sound fine as they are, but with hard rock the fact that they sound sampled is a bit out of character since alot of rock drum sounds are very roomy and natural sounding. :) Still sounds good though.

point taken. i got curious and submitted a question to Toontrack to find out if the "Humanize" options in Superior 2.0 apply to EZX add-ons, like Metal Machine.

Thanks for listening.

@Pre Studio Productions: Thanks for listening and feedback! i'll take another listen to those vox.
I think the humanise does apply to the add ons in Superior 2 mate. It's anal like, but changing velocities by ear to fit the tune will probs give a more natural sound. The only other thing I do is use the logical editor in Cubase to set the velocity parameters.
Just a question tho, if you played the parts on an e-kit, could you not have used the midi velocities outputted by the kit? Wouldn't that have been closer to the performance than using the humanise feature in software?

Sounds killer btw!
I think this is probably the best thing I've heard from you (and I think I've listened to most things you've ever posted around here).
nothing bad to say really. sounds great for this genre. like someone said earlier maybe overdub vocals in some parts. i think the snare velocitys sounds fine.
@Sunny84: got a response back from Toontrack support this morning. here's what they said regardind "Humanize" functions in Superior 2.0 when using "Metal Machine" as opposed to say "Metal Foundry" made for Superior. makes sense, i guess. Duh!

"Yes. The humanize options determine how the Superior Drummer sound engine chooses the samples that it plays back regardless of where the MIDI originated from."

i listened to the snare last night - and it doesn't seem to be varying a ton - but i'll listen again today with a little less "happy juice" in me. :D everything coming in from the controller is 127 midi-velocity - so either i'm hitting really hard (which is totally possible) - or something's not right there. good pt. thanks for listening and the feedback!

@grywolf627: thanks Mark! if i remember correctly - you enjoy the 80's sounding stuff as much as i do. we're a dying breed. thanks for listening.

@iarebrandon: thanks!
@zakky: Thanks! you're always nice enough to listen and provide some feedback. Much appreciated!

@alan1990: Diezel V30 SM57 (Soldano HR Poweramp)

gtr chain: TSE 808 -> Poulin Hybrit -> Boogex -> ReaFir -> ReaXcomp
Really sounds great.

What are your EQ and comp settings?

Is that a real bass?

nice stuff! thx for sharing. too much low end bassguitar (low 80hz)
I dig the hybritt, I use it too, cheers :)

you plugged your wah into your interface? sounds really good!
vocalist is really talented!