Power Metal makes me act like an idiot.


Oct 15, 2001
Does anyone else get the strange urge to sing along and randomly pump your fist in the air when you hear power metal?

I do, all the time, and I sing fairly loudly to. I spend at least 3 hours a day acting like a spastic doing this shit. Ussually to Sonata Artica as well. It's lucky I live by myself, if someone walked on me doing this I'd be more ashamed then if they walked in on me wanking the frank.

it scares me. :ill:
No, can't say i do it... well, not to your extent :p
what's scary is you do it to sonata arctica, of all bands ;) okay okay, they aren't *that* bad, but they do have that chaotic feeling to their songs
Koichi said:
I go nuts when I play Demons and Wizards- heaven Denies.

Theres no escape from singing.

Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeadlands! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaastelands! Darkness will cover my mind, and oblivion shall reign!

:headbang: Im done now.
I go nuts to glam. Surprise surprise haha.

I find myself banging my head and forget to hold the steering wheel in my car sometimes when certain songs come on! "Boys Night Out" by Southgang always does that!
I usually do a bit of air-singing, then some air-guitar, then back to the singing again. Sometimes I do a bit of air-bass as well. Usually during the course of one song. But it's not power metal that makes me do this, it's any cool song that I like.
Sonata Arctica - Blank File
Edguy - Land of the Miracle
Blind Guardian - The Quest for Tanelorn

These songs all make me pump my fist in the air, march, play air guitar, strike metal poses, and most importantly WAIL WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

You are not alone, I go absolutely psycho!
I sing and carry on to just about anything I listen too, its what ya ment to do isn't it?..hell I wander around singing and rocking out when the music aint playing in the background